Artist Point - Mt. Baker - August 2016

When I had a cabin at Snowline and skiied, I bet I've driven that road a 100 times. I was surprised to see so many people in you video. Looked like a zoo. Thanks.

Well, I think they are great. Will put this ride on my bucket list. I never get tired of riding in the mountains. Keep those pictures coming.
Chris, I didn't reply, but I surely enjoyed the report and the pictures. PLEASE don't stop! Pretty please!!!
The pictures capture a great place on a beautiful day. I had to look up exactly where this was:
The end of the road ends at 8 miles NE of the peak of Mt Baker (10,800 ' volcano mtn) in the Mt Baker Snoqualamie NF.
At the north side of Bellingham, WA, take Hwy 542 east for 54 miles.

It takes some effort to take and post pictures, but I am sure people take note add to their next season or "someday" planning.
You take great pictures. Please don't stop but be safe. :eek:
This will be my last Ride Report. Ninety-one people have viewed the thread and only Frosty and Terry bothered to reply.

It takes time to load the pictures and edit the videos. If no one cares, it isn't worth doing. When others post ride reports, I hope they get some response.


Very nice pics...very sharp.I think Frosty and I need to put that on our list...its been awhile since I was there. (Sorry many of us didnt reply but for me this is a very busy time of year and I only knew of your post cause I just talked with Frosty. He clicks on "new Posts" which is probably a good idea but I dont normally....too much outside work to do before Reno...and other short rides to take to Sandpoint, etc. I will admit that it seems like for the past X months forum participation seems to be down....anyway, I do enjoy trip reports, especially for the Pacific NW.) Back outside to the salt mines while the smoke is gone.
Didn't realize a reply was necessary. I deeply enjoyed the pictures ... don't get such great views here in Florida (just water and flat sandy terrain).
Your pictures always make me miss the Northwest, and I'm usually too sad to reply. Still, that's a beautiful day's ride.

Beautiful ride Chris. Thanks for the upload. I get the same response with some of my ride reports. Not many want to read about a ride in Louisiana or Mississippi. I post them anyway.......
Frosty and I took a ride today to Sandpoint ID for lunch. We talked about doing the Mt. Baker Hwy. I like the idea of staying at Sedro Wooley, dumping the gear, and riding the Mt. Baker Hwy the next day if the weather is good. Saw a new forest fire on a hill top trying to take hold as we were riding home. Saw two engines racing to try and put it out and two fire bombers heading for it....
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Only time I've been up there was back in 2012. Took the NC and one of the GS's to escape this:


This is what it should look like (garage is just out of frame to the right):

The fires were horrible that year. August of 2012.

But, it was a nice weekend elsewhere in the state. The clouds in the distance was a solid overcast when we rode up, about 15 minutes of heavy fog, breaking out into the bright sunshine. It reminded me of flying. Only us folks with IFR ratings were up above the layer, it was the neatest thing to punch through the ceiling and into endless, empty blue skies. But the smoke had even reached this far out. It was a bit hazy here that day. Would like to do it again one of these days. But this time bring some camping gear and find a place at the bottom to camp for a few days.
Only time I've been up there was back in 2012. Took the NC and one of the GS's to escape this:


This is what it should look like (garage is just out of frame to the right):

The fires were horrible that year. August of 2012.

But, it was a nice weekend elsewhere in the state. The clouds in the distance was a solid overcast when we rode up, about 15 minutes of heavy fog, breaking out into the bright sunshine. It reminded me of flying. Only us folks with IFR ratings were up above the layer, it was the neatest thing to punch through the ceiling and into endless, empty blue skies. But the smoke had even reached this far out. It was a bit hazy here that day. Would like to do it again one of these days. But this time bring some camping gear and find a place at the bottom to camp for a few days.

Oh no...Not another pilot? LOL! What is it about the NT that draws so many pilots to it....I think in the population only 1 out of 50-100 people are pilots and here on this forum, there are over 10. There are two heavily used camp grounds on the way to the Mt. Baker hwy but you can make reservations for them.
Stop for the night on the North Cascades Highway. There are several campsites there, and you'll get to combine two great rides in one trip.


There are three really nice ones on the western side and more on the eastern side. Uncharactoristically, everything on the west was about full this last trip, even on a Thursday, but we got a poor but useable spot. But yes, one could make a three day trip out of it from Spokane, staying in the Cascades the first night, on to the Mt. Baker Hwy, and back to the camp for the second night. Being retired means trips can happen at the last minute....when the weather looks like it is going to cooperate.
Your pictures always make me miss the Northwest, and I'm usually too sad to reply. Still, that's a beautiful day's ride.


Ken, we will take you back! Life is too short to not live in the state of WA....
This will be my last Ride Report. Ninety-one people have viewed the thread and only Frosty and Terry bothered to reply.

It takes time to load the pictures and edit the videos. If no one cares, it isn't worth doing. When others post ride reports, I hope they get some response.


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