12V Adapter - Project


I wanted to share my 12V adapter I put on my NT so I could use my Navi and such whilst on the road. I went to RadioShack and purchased this...


In the upper RIGHT cubby on the NT, there is a small hole in the bottom left side. I cut the clips off, and fed the line in the hole. Then, I pulled the line to the battery. I added a 3 amp fuse in line on the positive side. I zip tied the line to the frame. I then added a quick connect to the adapter in the cubby, so if I want it, it is there, if not, then it is removed, or I can add a different adapter in the future.

Anyway, wanted to share!

P.S. It is powered form a switched 12v Line that runs my Admore Lights, so it is a SWITCHED 12v power source.
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