Congratulations to ALL of Us!

Phil Tarman

Site Supporter
Dec 12, 2010
Greeley, CO
2010 Silver NT700VA (ABS)
Seven members have the 25,000 mile award. More to follow! We're doing good...we've exceeded the average mileage most riders ever put on their bikes. Keep it up!
Is there a page on this website where I enter my odometer mileage?
Is there a page on this website where I enter my odometer mileage?

There's a place in the Settings/Edit Profile section where you can enter 2012 Year Mileage.

That is NOT the odometer mileage, just the miles you've done on your NT this year.
I envy those of you that can ride a decent amount. I rode my NT more the first year I had it than my second year. Mostly due to work. I changed jobs about a year ago and find it increasingly difficult to find time to ride. It is getting so bad I feel like I have to schedule in my ride time. This year I have put roughly 4,000 miles on my NT and 2,500 on my DR.
Kevin, can you ride to work? Even at 1.1 miles each way, it contributes significantly to my total mileage.

BTW, thank you for suggesting Kanopolis State Park. It was great!
+1 Rick, even riding in the cold or rain is more fun and cheaper (gas) than riding in my truck. Now that the mornings are much darker and colder my commuting days are pretty much over. The deer and Elk are on the move too and the twisty 2 lane I drive to work is full of them now. I am close to 9000 miles, 8000 of which was this year, and the majority was my 75 mile round trip commute. GREAT MILES EVERY ONE OF THEM! Again' congrates to you all with high mileage, I thought I was doing pretty good but somwhat weak next to you!
Kevin, can you ride to work? Even at 1.1 miles each way, it contributes significantly to my total mileage.

BTW, thank you for suggesting Kanopolis State Park. It was great!

Actually I ride a motorcycle to work more often than not. I have a very short commute that is under 4 miles. I tend to take the DR650 on my short trips though. I might ride the DR 2-3 times to work/short trips for every time I take the NT. The DR is just easier and more fun to run around town with.

You are right though....The miles do slowly add up. I bought the DR in April and now have 2500 short trip miles on it. The only reason the NT has more miles in that time period is that I took it to Spearfish and a couple runs to Kansas City.
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