Dumb and Dumber recreated...

Phil Tarman

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Dec 12, 2010
Greeley, CO
2010 Silver NT700VA (ABS)
I saw Zack Courts and Ari Hemming mention their recreation of the "Dumb and Dumber" ride from Nebraska to Aspen while I was watching their "Highside/Lowside" discussion that included the evaluation of BMW's "Lifetime" chain. I watched the recreation and it was pretty fun, especially since Ken Malone (RedBird) and I have ridden almost all of what they rode until after they left Walden, CO, and the Red Rock Cafe. Most of the film they shot is on CO-14 east of Ault, and then on CO-14 as it goes up the Poudre River Canyon and over Cameron Pass.

Yup, and I'm glad we did it on motorcycles, not that mini bike contraption they created, especially since Phil and I did not have a chase van to supply us with whatever.
I watched the entire video. Fairly entertaining. I recognized most of the places along the route. Those guys are definitely more tenacious than me! No way I'd attempt that with or without a support van following along!
they looked the part too.... :thumb:
Amazing trip with or without a support van. I would never think of doing it now but 30 or 40 years younger just maybe……

And I know just who I would have done it with too!

Thanks for sharing.

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