New tires needed

You'll have to decide beforehand on buying tires that work with mineral oil in the engine or synthetic can make a difference! :)
You lost me on that one Dirtflyer. All the "rubber" on your vehicles ages out. With tires it is easy to tell what you have.
[you lost me on that one Dirtflyer.]

Karl - it was only a joke because some people can get so overly-riled about certain tire brands or types of oil. :wink:

Hey, it's winter here so we need something to yak about! I have to admit that this is an atypical winter in OH because I rode twice this month. Yesterday it got into the mid-50s so I took a long ride with some pals and we have plans to do it again this Saturday when the temps again reach into the 50s.
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[you lost me on that one Dirtflyer.]

Karl - it was only a joke because some people can get so riled about certain tire brands or type of oil. :wink:

ps. Hey, it's winter here so we need something to yak about!

"Humor, an interesting concept>"
Mikesim - are you still buried under all that ice that hit MO a few days ago? We had an ice and freezing rain warning but nothing actually happened.
Have been accused of being too literal, still read the comics section of the paper. Maintenance this season included two new tires. The rear had picked up some "hardware" on the road and I had no desire to run a plugged tire any further than I had to. The front was replace with the new front wheel assembly and all new rotating parts there. The front forks got rebuilt with stock bits. The left leg had a leaking oil seal behind the dust seal. New tires always make the bike feel better.

Hope to get in some ride time this Winter.
Mikesim - are you still buried under all that ice that hit MO a few days ago? We had an ice and freezing rain warning but nothing actually happened.

No, the ice is long gone. Actually, in my area it was a "non-event". MODOT and the local muni's pretreated the roads and they were in great shape. The media scared the hell out of folks with talks of "icemageddon" and everybody stayed home.

In fact, our forecast for Saturday is sunny and mid-sixties. Traveller and I will be out early racking up some 2017 miles!

We had a similar situation in Western OH last week on Thurs-Fri with dire warnings of severe icing of the roads but that storm barely produced a few drops of rain.

I rode on Tuesday and will ride again tomorrow. I could have ridden yesterday but had other things to do. This will be my 4th ride this month so we're sure experiencing a strangely warm winter. Last night when I drove home from having dinner south of here with some riding pals, the temp gauge in my car said "45 F."
Here in Nashville it has also been a mild winter. I usually have several weeks of commuting with temps in the teens and low 20's. So far this winter I have only had a few days in the 20's but most have been in the 30's and 40's. This morning it was 47 and should be around 50 for the ride home. I am not complaining.
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