Replace Return Springs on Pannier Lid Catches?

Dec 15, 2010
Having had 13.5 years trouble free with my Deauville pannier latches, this unfortunately came to an end recently.
It appears that the problem is Broken/Loss of two small return springs to activate the REAR catches.
Presently having removed the rear metal posts on the inside of the lids, I am able to use the panniers , however the lids are now only being secured by the two front catches.
Has anyone here replaced such springs and if so what is the procedure?
It appears that access would be difficult in the confined space and not an easy job.
My bike is still in excellent condition and so external latches would be the last resort for me.
Any suggestions to remedy would be appreciated.
Yes, I did it on my NT many years ago. The saddlebag lids & inners have to be removed from the bike to gain access to the latching assembly screws for removal. Once away from the saddlebag inner, the springs are easily replaced. While it's off, do your best to clean the hardened grease and grit from all the pivoting points.

I used silicone spray as a lubricant as it stays clean and doesn't seem to attract too much road grit.
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