Sometimes... it takes me a long time to connect the dots.


Jun 5, 2011
Western Washington
2010 NT700V, 2015 CB500X
I keep several small squirt bottles of eye glass cleaner in the garage by my riding glasses and helmets. I use the stuff given to me at eye appointments or cheap Walmart refill bottles. For years I've used the same eye glass cleaner on my face shields and glasses to make fast work of bug rehydration and easy thumbnail scraping and cleaning. But being old and set in my ways i kept using soap and water to rehydrate bugs on motorcycle windscreen... UNTIL THIS PAST SUMMER. Never again. I finally developed a thought that the solution that has worked so well on glasses and plastic face shields might also work great on plastic windscreens. It does... faster and cleaner. Why did it take me so long to do this?
I once used a product called "Bug Off" on my windshield to soften the carcasses of the insects. I used the product before on my RV and it melted the bugs like magic. To my dismay, not only did Bug Off melt the insects off of my windshield, but it also melted off a protective coating on the windshield and pretty much ruined it. Since then, I just soak a windshield sized terry cloth towel in warm to hot water and place it over the shield and let it soak for a half hour or so and the bugs come off easily with just light scrubbing. Once the windshield is clean, I apply Rain-X for plastic windshields. It not only makes rain bead right off but also keeps the bugs from sticking so tightly. Good on face shields too.

Don't feel bad as I've noticed a lot more "ah haw"" moments after struggling with something for too long.
When bike camping, you take the absolute minimum. No room for extra towels. I would buy a newspaper (remember those???) drape it over the shield and wet it down. In the morning, wet it down again and by the time the eggs and coffee is ready, the screen is clean and bug free.
Hydrogen Peroxide and equal part distilled water. Organic materials will fizz up and dissolve. I have not had any problems with plastics but YMMV.
If this is not a good idea, please speak up.
A simple wet rag on the windshield works for me. Only problem is remembering to do it. Often, when I go for a ride, I remember that I haven’t cleaned the windshield as I hit the seat. Too late then - I just ride it with a dirty windshield. Not a big deal because I look well above the windshield anyway. It just looks bad. The rest of the bike is dirty too, but I can’t see that from where I sit. Riding is more important than cleaning my bike (to me anyway).
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