Wheel Bearing failure

Back to wheel bearings. I ride with ear plugs and a reasonably quiet full face helmet and still started to hear a crunch crunch crunch noise braking to a stop in traffic. It continues to crunch when you release the brake. *%@&. Searched the OEM parts sites and got a loaded wheel assembly and added brake disks and new hardware. $433.25 shipped to my door.

Still riding to work with her but would love to know why my bike keeps eating front bearings.
Are you sure that the spacer between the bearings is the correct length and not worn or shortened in some way?
If it is too short there will be side thrust on the bearings when the axle nut is tightened.
Ball bearings are not designed to have any side thrust.

The left front has failed each time (from the saddle). I don't know what is causing it or it would already be fixed. My hope is that there was a misalignment in the bearing seat on the left side and the "new wheel" will fix it. We shall see.
Finally got the last part of the front wheel assembly delivered. Time to do some work.
Weather is cold roads are icy good time to take things apart. The left fork on my bike has revealed a problem. never saw any leakage there at the wiper but removing the dust cover there was oil between it and the seal... Bought this bike six years ago now to ride out to my brothers place in Washington. The bike should be ready by spring...
Hi Karl,

I had the same problem with my left side front wheel bearing. Was on a 2 up trip down south when I really noticed it. I had 65,000 miles on mine. The cause was a mystery to me and the mechanic. So can't help you identify a cause, but can relate to your experience.

Good to hear from you Herb. Hope you and your family are all well. After the third failure thought it was time for drastic action. Has replacement cured your problem?
Sorry if this question is insulting as it's kinda basic, but I find that's where I usually mess up.... There is an outer grease seal, do you put grease in that channel before installing the wheel spacers? That should help create a 'seal' and help avoid bearing failures. Again, sorry if this is a no-brainer.
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