Center Stand

May 29, 2017
I just trailered my NT700V home. 40 year rider and owner of many cycles. But now 70 years young. Unless I'm missing something there is no handle to grab to raise 700 on center stand except side handle on passenger seat which is rather awkward. Any help or suggestions ?

Hi Bear,

Congratulations on your purchase. I haven't had an NT for a couple of years, but I remember simply standing on the center stand to get it to pop up. I only used the handlebar and passenger grab handle to balance the bike. My legs and body weight popped it up pretty easily. I would stand on the left side of the bike hold the handlebars with my left hand and the grab rail with my right. I would use my right foot to slowly lower the centerstand until I could tell both feet of the centerstand were touching the floor and the bike was balanced and centered. Then I simply stood on the centerstand.

Hope that helps.
I pull some on the passenger rail but most of the force is by standing on the stand extension arm.
I sometimes have trouble getting it off the centerstand. My garage floor is finished slick and it wants to slide sometimes.

Bear, artemedes' procedure is what I use. Even with my knees, I haven't had any trouble getting the bike onto the centerstand.
I pull some on the passenger rail but most of the force is by standing on the stand extension arm.
I sometimes have trouble getting it off the centerstand. My garage floor is finished slick and it wants to slide sometimes.


That's me...I have a hard time getting it off the stand on a smooth surface.....I use a combo of the "stand on the stand" and pulling up on the grab rail....easy peasy.
The FJR is only a bit harder....the C10 Connie is a of the things that Kawasaki could have easily fixed through the 20 year run but chose not to.....
the C10 Connie is a of the things that Kawasaki could have easily fixed through the 20 year run but chose not to.....

I seriously doubt if I could get my old C10 Concours onto the centerstand these days.
It's just a matter of technique, as noted previously by several posters. It was the same technique on the Goldwings and Silver Wing I've owned in the past. With a little practice, you will be an old hand at it soon. I too have more trouble getting it off the center stand on the slick garage floor.
One thing that makes it easier for me is to make certain both legs are on the ground when you step on.
It all about timing - pushing down with your right foot and pulling up with your right arm (on passenger handhold) at the same time. It's actually an easy bike to get up on the centerstand. :)
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One thing that makes it easier for me is to make certain both legs are on the ground when you step on.

I forgot about that, karl. Yes, foot placement is very important....on any bike.....
Funny, what I meant was the stand be in contact on both sides to keep it from rocking...

LOL! I have found that I want my left foot close to the bike when I push down with my right. Its easier to put more weight on the centerstand lever.
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