Cover for NT


Can anyone recomend a good cover for the NT. Trying to keep the dust and dirt off of it over the winter while it is in storage. Thanks for any suggestions.
Can anyone recomend a good cover for the NT. Trying to keep the dust and dirt off of it over the winter while it is in storage. Thanks for any suggestions.

I assume your storage is indoors. For that purpose I found that a regular motorcycle cover tends to hold moisture under it and I would get rusting. When I park my bikes in a storage unit I just put a cloth bed sheet over them which keeps the dust off them, costs very little and they breathe so that moisture does not accumulate under them. You can buy motorcycle covers for indoor use that are not waterproof and will breathe but why spend the extra money just to get something that is form fitted.
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I guess that it depends on where one stores. I have a bicycle shop in my garage that maintains a temp of 60F at all times. I cover the bike with a Wal-Mart cover--available on the Internet, plug in my Battery Tender and forget it. I do fill the tank and use Marine Stabil and also do an oil change before I store. Come Spring, I turn the key and all is well.
I just put a cloth bed sheet over them which keeps the dust off them, costs very little and they breathe so that moisture does not accumulate under them.

+1 I have a non-climate controlled garage and that is how I cover my bikes as well. One of these days my wife is going to catch on to why I encourage her to buy more new sheets... :D
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