Finding it hard to make the switch...

He sure has my support. The whole thing is very professionally run and does not tolerate "flamers" and profanity. It deals with motorcycling and some aside philosophical musings as long as they are not political, etc. Works for me.
I think a lot of it has to do with the type of people attracted to the NT. The practicality and price point and unique design speaks to a specific crowd. As that crowd, we are likely to share similar viewpoints on many things because whatever neural receptors the NT tweaks for us, we have that in common and it likely filters through in other aspects of our personalities.

There's my diagnosis. And no, I cannot write prescriptions! :)
I think a lot of it has to do with the type of people attracted to the NT. The practicality and price point and unique design speaks to a specific crowd. As that crowd, we are likely to share similar viewpoints on many things because whatever neural receptors the NT tweaks for us, we have that in common and it likely filters through in other aspects of our personalities.

There's my diagnosis. And no, I cannot write prescriptions! :)
Very true, I think, (with the exception of Dan thinking I can spell). The NT can be considered a filter that draws a certain type of person. As I have said before, the NT owner seems to be an older, more mentally mature, intelligent person who still enjoys life and adventure. Not trying to stereotype us cause we all know after the ralley that we are individuals but I still stand by my statement. Also, there seems to be a much higher number of pilots, and folk involved with the Air Force here than one would find not only in the general population but also in the world of motorcycles itself. All those years in COG and I never felt the need to attend a rally, even though I was grateful to the folks there that helped me online. But I am sure glad I went to Spearfish this year.
Chris, I will say that I went to 8 COG Rallies in the 10 years I was a member of COG. I enjoyed them all and made some good friends who will be part of my life for a long time. But I never enjoyed a COG rally any more than I did our first NT Rally in Hill City or as much as I enjoyed it this year in Spearfish.

I'll be coming back for a long time!
We're old, we know how to spell, and learned English grammar in the 8th grade. We don't write in Tweet speak. We learned to respect others and other's opinions when they still used to teach people to do that.

I'm inclined to agree, other than an occasional "Grumpy Old Man Attack", we don't have much drama. And most folks here won't tolerate what passes for normal on other forums. When someone here has a bad GOMA attack I usually have a PM, or two, waiting for me reporting it...

When I moderated on the old Blue Oval News forum I deleted an average of 20 to 30 posts every time I logged in...and they allowed porn so it had to be pretty bad to violate the Terms of Service! :eek1: Too many punks with old Mustangs and wanna be cops driving retired Crown Vic police cars made it an "interesting" mix to say the least... Why did I even bother? Some of the best info available on 4V Modular motors, used in the Mustang Cobras and Mercury Marauder, was on that just had to be willing to wade through the "stuff" to find it... Here we get all the good NT "info" without the "stuff"...that makes a much more pleasant place to hang out IMHO...
I was directed here by Soundtechguy's youtube videos while I was still trying to choose between the F800ST and the NT700V
This forum helped me make my decicion
You cared enough to post a good-bye (of sorts). I say, Linger On!
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Come for the bike, stay for the people.

Thanks for all the comments. I try to set the 'tone', the mods help me keep that tone and the members that are here, are here because they like the tone...... Some folks are just tone-deaf lol... Thank you to the mods and members.
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