Helmet repair help

Jun 14, 2012
Richardson, TX
2010 Red NT700
I still like my helmet and I want to at least wait til the big Cycle Show this winter to try some helmets on.
Here's what I need help with:
All I need to do it get the black plastic portion of the liner that is just over my brow to adhere to the EPS...
(plastic to foam)
What adhesive will work for this application?

FYI, we are talking about an HJC IS16
3M makes a trim tape that holds like iron. Most auto parts stores have this.


PS, I will get the part number for you when I am at work tomorrow if you would like
A good quality silicone sealant like Loctite or GE RTV should stick it.

A touch of silicone chalk, when I was a maintenance carpenter in the dorms we attach table lamps to tables.
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I'd go with double stick tape if I'm thinking of the right part. Any glue could (not will) eat away at the EPS. Of course, the adhesive on the tape could be bad for the EPS, too, but just go for it.

FYI, I really liked my IS 16 but I wanted a Pin Lock visor, so I got a Nolan N90 instead of installing a pinlock. The IS 16 moves more air through the vents, but I really like having a modular helmet. The open/close positions of the N90 vents seem to make a difference, i.e. you can tell when they are closed. Also, I think the N90 is a better cool weather helmet since it seals pretty well around your neck with the chin curtain. And when it is really hot, you can just open the face. I don't think you could put on an N90 with the front closed. I'd buy another Nolan based on my 1500 miles so far in my N90.
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