2nd Ride...1st Ride with Somebody

Phil Tarman

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Dec 12, 2010
Greeley, CO
2010 Silver NT700VA (ABS)
RedBird (Ken Malone) called last night and he's in Colorado and suggested that we ride today. So we met about 12 miles west of here at a Culver's. The last time we met there, they weren't open, but we waited and waited for Artemedes (Kevin from Kansas who had planned to ride to Spearfish with us). What none of us knew was that Kevin was at a Culver's in Greeley. This time, I got there a bit before Ken and we visited a while before we rode. I even ate -- Culver's has a good salad with only 400 calories and that works for one of my flex meals on my Nutrisystem plan.

BTW, today my weight was under 260# for the first time in a long time. I could zip my 'Stitch easily and could sit in a booth at Culver's. I realize that for most of you those things aren't unusual or worth mentioning, but for me it's significant progress. I've lost 35 pounds since February the 4th!!

Back to the ride. It was cooler than the weather prognosticators had predicted (low 50s) and windy. But it was OK. I would have put on my heated jacket, but Ken had forgotten to bring anything to wear under his 'Stitch and I didn't want to be comfortable while he was cold, so I just endured it along with him. We went out east and north of Greeley to Briggsdale, and then back west on CO-14 to Ault and home. I rode 95 miles and Ken will have about 130 by the time he gets home.

I realized today that I've really been nervous about riding after all the drops of the bike when I was starting and stopping or getting on and off the bike in the now nearly two years since I had the bike lowered. My confidence was shot to pieces. I had the kickstand shortened last summer just the bike went in the shop at the end of the summer for the fuel pump replacement. I had only ridden twice since then until today. I was anxious before leaving; I was anxious after stopping to buy gas; and I was anxious when Ken and I were leaving Culver's. But after getting on (and off) the bike 3 times today, plus stopping several times at lights and stop signs, I'm feeling much better riding this year. As far as I can tell my strength is up to riding and my skill is up to riding without any issues now that my sidestand has been shortened. Now all I have to do is recalibrate my head! That's underway after today's ride.


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Apr 26, 2012
Northern WI
Tiger 800, NT sold
BTW, today my weight was under 260# for the first time in a long time.
Congratulations Phil. Good job. I bet you feel a lot better. You certainly seem to manage your bike a lot better. Keep going like that and you'll be looking for another low mileage NT.


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Apr 14, 2011
2009 F800ST, 1973 R75/5
It was a good ride. I just need to remember that when I take stuff (like my electric vest) out of the top box to see what else is in there, which I did in the middle of winter, I need to put it back!
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