6th Nat'l NT Rally - July 6-9, 2016 - Spearfish, SD


Dec 12, 2010
Carrollton, TX
'21 RT
6th Nat'l
NT Rally



Spearfish, SD

July 6-9, 2016
Wed thru Sat

Some are using Bell's
however, the main event is at the campground.

Chris' Campground
Rate: $7 per person per night (+tax)

Just an update, we should be in sites 81-96.

Sometime after the beginning of 2016,
Please call (605-642-2239) or email (chriscampground@gmail.com) to let them know how many are coming please provide
# of people in your group
# of tents
Special needs such as electricity
vehicle i.e. bike, RV, bike w/trailer etc.
Mention the ST/NT Rally

July 8th - Friday
later at Campground:
6:00pm - Giveaways
6:30pm Pizza !!!

Chris' Campground

I'm retired, I have no job, and I have no commitments. I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow, so how can I possibly know if I can make it or not next year.

Oh - what the hell - of course I can.
I should be able to make it next year.

OTOH, I just got back today from this year's Spearfish. This is now my longest ride - 1100 miles out and 3000 miles back - by way of Idaho.

I need to get a better seat.
Oh, yeah! There's even a hint my bride may bring the camping trailer, too. She likes the ride photo's of South Dakota. A lot.
Just got back yesterday from Spearfish, after going up in to Canada, and back down through Montana and Colorado. Did 5,467 for the whole trip.

Had a blast this year. Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be there next year.
As of now I will say MAYBE. I want to & if the cards fall right I will be!
I wouldnt come at all except that I like seeing the rest of you charactors! :)
If all the stars align properly, I'll be there this year.

I wouldnt come at all except that I like seeing the rest of you charactors!

Come on Chris - we ain't that good looking.
But if you want to share some great intellectual conversation with the brain trust assembled there, that would be a great reason for attending. Plus the added benefit of sleeping on the ground in a tent and paying for it makes it all worth while. And then the opportunity to wear out tires and waste gas going back to where we have already been tops it all off.

I can't wait.
I must remain on the MAYBE list yet, , I know time wise I can, but transportation wise I am not sure of that , likewise Im not certain of Motel , or campgro un, but the chances are pretty good for motel. aybe I will have a better idea by mid February.

Being a newbie, how many folks usually show up at this event?

Hee hee - after Mike's reply, I'll try to give you a straight answer. (Though I like his!)

It's held along with the ST Owner's Group, and its headquartered at a camp ground. (We softies stay at a Mom & Pop motel.) Among the NT Owner's Group folks, I'd guess there are about 20-25 riders - something like that. You will also be surprised at the number of people who come who no longer ride NTs. To the best of my knowledge, nobody ever takes an official count (well, maybe Mellow does), but its a very loosely run affair. Be there in the morning, find some folks to ride with (Devil's Tower, Mt. Rushmore, etc.) enjoy the day, then sit around at night swapping lies while enjoying your favorite adult beverage. Very wide range in personalities.

At 1,600 miles from Spearfish, I doubt you would be the person from farthest away. Come on and join us -
Come on Chris - we ain't that good looking.
But if you want to share some great intellectual conversation with the brain trust assembled there, that would be a great reason for attending. Plus the added benefit of sleeping on the ground in a tent and paying for it makes it all worth while. And then the opportunity to wear out tires and waste gas going back to where we have already been tops it all off.

I can't wait.

Well, you aint pretty, but you ARE interesting to talk with! ;) Frosty thinks we might try and hang out with the motel crowd...I like camping myself but I really dont care...one can hang out at the campground either way....and when its hot and humid, nothing beats air conditioning.....
I stayed at Bell’s Motel last year because a friend who wanted to come to the rally needed to be in a motel. I enjoyed the conversations in the evenings there, but missed the conversations at the campground because my friend, who didn’t do any riding after he got to Spearfish, got sick on Friday night and needed to go to the ER. I wouldn’t let him go alone and by the time the hospital let him out, it was close to 10PM and people who had gone to the campground were back at the motel.

I’d agree with the estimate of the number of NT riders. There were several ex-NT riders there last year on bikes ranging from FJRs to Triumph Tiger 800 XCXs to Can-Am Spyders. Nobody really cares what you ride and it’s a congenial, low-stress place to be with lots of great roads to ride.
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