AirHawk size? Model?

Jun 19, 2015
Onalaska, WI
2009 BMW R1200RT
Owners of an AirHawk? Maybe save my *****?
Which of the AirHawk models fits the best over the butt-numbing NT OEM seat?
Measuring the seat it appears that the Dual Sport model or the Small Cruiser model would both work. I might tend towards the Dual Sport, just cause the nose is a little thinner?

Has anyone tried the wider one? It might hang over the side, but might be more comfy?? Better or worse?


To buy your way to comfort pick one of the custom seats available for the bike. I have an older air hawk that I don't use anymore and a stock seat. The alternative is working the largest muscle in your body by getting off and walking around once and a while. Do butt lifts on the bike while you ride, or even get a membership to a gym... A little movement goes a long way.
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