As time flies so it is with miles.


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Feb 28, 2012
Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA
Silver 2010 NT700V
Was just inspecting the NT, oil, coolant, tire wear and pressure, and when putting this in the log realized I have had the NT for one year and 8 months today and it's ready to roll over 25,000 miles which will likely happen tomorrow with a 300+ miler in the works. Still loving it and have to say this is the most awesome motorcycle I've ever owned and there were alot of them in the past.

The weather here in WV has been great in March and April. 2,289 miles since the first of the year and most of that was the past two months. Another good day tomorrow brings an opportunity to ride with the Ohio Chapter of the Motorcycle Sport Touring Association. Route looks awesome ! Hope you all are enjoying your two wheeled partner as much as I am.

On a side note, I have found some spectacular roads in Ohio in preparation for the Ohio NT Gathering, so be sure to come and join us for some twisties fun.

Hey Dan, I don't think Bob has decided but was looking at Burr Oak State Park. Their Lodge should be open by then and the campground looks nice. Was over by there last Sunday.

How true it is! My two year anniversary with the NT will occur in June and I just turned over 21K miles. Best bike I've ever owned for me as well.

Wow, just seems like yesterday that I created this post and now it's 11 months and 9,000 miles later, the NT is sitting a few short miles over the 34K mark and this past weekend I just finished checking the valves, changing the air filter and spark plugs, installing new rear brake pads and installing my 5th set of tires (trying the new PR4's this year), and ready to change oil/filter and check coolant next month so the NT will be ready for it's trip West. Camping gear is ready, list prepared for packing the correct gear and all things are in motion. I still totally love the NT as I noted 11 months and 9,000 miles ago ! Spectacular motorcycle !
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