Award Request for EX WINGER! [50,000 Mile Award]

Oct 29, 2011
2011 NT, 01 Ultra, 04 VLX
Sender Information

Userid: 893
User Name: EX WINGER

Request Information:
Award ID: 3
Name: 50,000 Mile Award
Description: 50,000 miles on an NT

Recipient username : EX WINGER

Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.

I rolled over the 50,000 mile point on my NT in Washington state on Sunday afternoon. I have already sent Phil a email with the odo picture attatched. it reads 50,035, By the time I arrived at home it was reading 50,095.

Congratulations, Eldon!

[BTW, Eldon has received the slightly-coveted 50,000-mile sticker.]
way to go Eldon, another one bites the dust.... I mean bites off more miles
Thanks, I knew what you meant , no need for correction.

One thing for sure, I will never pass up you hard core guys, I won't even try toi pushed to get this step completed and my other three bikes are all calling me to put some miles on them.


way to go Eldon, another one bites the dust.... I mean bites off more miles
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With my annual mileage, I will have 50,000 miles accumulated in the year 2039.

Phil, I will have caught up to you in year 2062 (but you must stop riding now).

You just need to come south for the winter then you would get in lots of miles going & coming as well as while you are gone!

I think Alaska would be a neat place, but for the winters with the cold nasty weather.
Eldon, great job. I think most guys don't know that you are an older rider that puts on serious miles on all of your bikes.


It was my great pleasure to meet Eldon at Spearfish. Congrats, Eldon - but I say that with the knowledge that the mere 50k on your NT is but a fraction of the many miles you have ridden over the years.
Eldon, i'm proud of you! You are a great example to the rest of us. You've had a few hurdles to overcome (your eyes, your foot), but you just keep trucking along. Wendell's
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Thank you Doug and Wendell for the most kind words.

Wendell you are my hero ! You have set records for distance on the NT with only stock fuel capacity that are to be envied by all of the rest of us particularly in the LD side of the community. At the rate you are recovering I can see you being right up there in the 50, and 75 K miles , probably you will have the 75 K well ahead of me.

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