Bbgii i'- m a happy camper now!!! :)

Sep 6, 2012
Sanford, FL, USA
My first try at the BBG kicked my butt. I might have squeaked by but I wasn't satisfied with the ride or my performance. So I climbed back on the horse that kicked me off and road that old gray mare again. I had one day off from work this week and it was Tuesday so at 5:09 I got my first gas receipt and was headed out of Dodge on I-4 headed up to Jacksonville. The Temp was about 60 and it was clear. I brought all my winter riding gear with me but didn't have it on. I also brought a couple of Primus fuel cylinders (1.5L) along because George said that if I was going to do crazy stuff I needed extra fuel! I made it through Jacksonville before the morning rush hour traffic and headed west on I-10. The sun was now nearly up but the temp was steadily dropping the further inland I went. It got down to about 55 and stayed there for several hours. I found out that at 55 I was still fine with out all my winter gear and I was averaging less than 10 minutes a fuel stop. I blew right by all the rest stops as there was no need to fiddle with this and that. I was in a grove and life was sweet. I finally had my iPhone and Uclear head set connected and enjoyed the music as I headed west. I kept it at 75 all the way to Pensacola and had no problems getting 200 miles to the tank. I haven't done my MPG stats yet but I was only putting in around 4 gal at each fuel stop. By the time I reached Pensacola I was an hour ahead of my schedule. I was relaxed and enjoying this grand adventure. I-10 is most all just 2 lanes in each direction but traffic was light and there were no issues. Quite frankly, there is not a whole lot to see in north Florida except for trees and more trees. The old Blue Angles planes up on the slanted poles at the rest stops are always a welcomed sight. I made it to exit 7, got fuel and turned around and headed back to Jacksonville. i kept thinking that I had been this way before. I-10 can be boring and I was finally glad to turn the corner and head south on I-95. I cranked it up to 80 and again I had no trouble getting 200 miles on a tank (it seemed to be a pretty calm day without much wind). As you can imagine, the temp started to slowly rise and eventually it was up to 70 - nice! At Daytona Beach I passed the junction to I-4 and there was a bit of a temptation to just head home (I was only 20 minutes away) but I hadn't gone this far to just give up. Besides I was still enjoying the trip. By the time I reached Cocoa for my next fuel stop it was dark but I was still an hour or two ahead of schedule and feeling good. It was a good thing that I had the reserve built up as I had no idea what I was in for. i jumped over on the turnpike at Jupiter and as it was approaching 9pm I had no traffic issues going through the urban sprawl that is south Florida. I have SunPass on the NT so just breezed by the toll booths. It was approaching mid-night as I turned on I-75 and headed west on Alligator Ally. By 1am I was at Naples and made my last dog leg turn and headed north and home. But then bang, I ran into serious trouble - thick, nasty fog - and it stayed with me off and on all the way home - about 250 miles. I might be crazy but I am not a fool so I slowed down. I got fuel at the Flying J in Tampa and headed up !-4 for home and my last gas receipt. I started to worry as I was running out of time. In the end I made it back to my starting out gas station with 32 minutes to spare. I was a happy camper and never had the fatigue of the last trip - it was a good trip. So in the end I had run two BBG's less than two weeks apart but this one was entirely within the state of Florida. I solved a lot of the issues I had on my first run and this one was a lot easier and more enjoyable. Practice makes perfect. When I get the stats worked up I'll add them to this report. In the end I did 1,537 miles in 23 hours and 37 minutes. I'm happy with that. (And yes I know - I'm crazy). Wendell
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Wendell, I'm going to do another BBG (attempt) sometime this summer or early fall. You inspire me!
I'd probably go for mid-May, but I'm still working till the end June. :-(
But then I'd have to work on Sunday. For me, Wednesday or Thursday would probably be the day.
Yep, all you Iron Butt types are crazy! Congratulations, anyway.:tongue:
BIG Double CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Wendell.

BUTT I must say we aren't crazy at all, it has to just be others perceptions! You have proven that it can be done on NT without a fuel cell, which I find as very interesting, although for me that is a security blanket.

Congratulations! Amazing to me, because my greatest fear doing a SS1000 or BBG1500, is falling asleep at the wheel after too many hours awake. While extremely dangerous in a car, it would be the kiss of death on a motorcycle.
Really glad you made it through OK.
DJ, you could get from WV to Spearfish in a couple of days, but you'll sure enjoy the trip more if you take four! When I went to Canaan Valley State Park for the COG Rally in '07 or '08, we took one day getting to Mt. Ayr, IA; a 2nd getting to Indianapolis; then I killed a day at the US Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH, and only made it to Chillicothe that night; and got into Canaan Valley on the evening of the fourth day. We averaged about 400 miles a day. Our first day was 546 miles and we hadn't gotten away from Fort Morgan till nearly 10. It was a long day after the hassle of getting stuff ready at work to leave for two weeks.

All things being equal, I would start with a relatively short day and then lengthen them out after that.

On the Epic Ride last summer, I mostly averaged about 400 miles a day. I had some longer ones across the desert southwest and then coming home from Massachusetts. My longest day on that 73-mile trip was the next to last when I rode from South Bend to Lincoln, NE...something a bit over 600 miles.
Phil, that was my plan since I really want to enjoy each day. I have done long mileage before and don't usually enjoy it when I get into 600 and 700 in a day. Coming back from Florida in spring of 2012 was like that. Two days from Marathon Key to Parkersburg in two days. Going down took three and did a lot of back roads and loved it.

Wish I was coming a little closer so I could get an eyeball on you. Things are not working out to make the NT National in Spearfish, so I'm heading out with a friend of mine to take in the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, stick a wheel in Idaho, the Bighorns, Devils Tower and back in time for the MSTA STAR rally in June at Rapid City. Maybe you could shoot up for a day around the Tetons. If I can make it there by day 4 I have an extra day I want to spend in that area and jump over into Idaho and see some sites around Yellowstone. I'm stoked in any case.
DJ, There is certainly a time and place for everything and taking the slower route is almost always more enjoyable. I had only two endurance runs planned for this year - the BBG and the CCC100. But I have 3 slow down and smell the roses trips planned 1) to the TNT 2) to Spearfish and 3) to the Grand Canyon - and it will be all fun and a great adventure. I did this BBG in celebration of my eye sight improving from 20/400 to 20/60 after my retina surgery and IMHO it was a great way to celebrate getting my eyesight back. Wendell
Wish I was coming a little closer so I could get an eyeball on you. Things are not working out to make the NT National in Spearfish, so I'm heading out with a friend of mine to take in the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, stick a wheel in Idaho, the Bighorns, Devils Tower and back in time for the MSTA STAR rally in June at Rapid City. Maybe you could shoot up for a day around the Tetons. If I can make it there by day 4 I have an extra day I want to spend in that area and jump over into Idaho and see some sites around Yellowstone. I'm stoked in any case.

Let me know where you're going to be and when and I'll try to connect with you. You'll have a great time. I talked last week with the MSTA director for Wyoming/Colorado, and he tried to talk me into getting to the STAR rally. I probably won't be able to do that, but might dash up, spend one night, and dash back down here.
Wendell.....another milestone for you....your atop of the mileage tracker ......just for short time
Duh!!! the one and only MILEAGE HOG!!! whoo-hoo. Plan......if I ride all 5 days to work this next week......if Wendell rids none........I will again be HOG of NT-owners
Well now, I do see a battle shaping up! :) Don't count me down and out just yet! If I can get my ducks in a row and be accepted, I plan on running the CCC100 on March 16 - 20. That should add another 4,600+ miles to the score card!!!! Of course, I don't want to brag too much because who knows if I can actually pull it off. But my commute miles are about 50 a day and they also add up (just not as much as yours). Hey, in any case we are all winners with the NT - no matter what miles we put on it. :) Wendell
Duh!!! the one and only MILEAGE HOG!!! whoo-hoo. Plan......if I ride all 5 days to work this next week......if Wendell rids none........I will again be HOG of NT-owners

Maybe so.... But no one is going to catch up with Phil's post count any time soon....:wink:
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