Cataract Surgery

Reading with interest. My eye Dr said I have cataracts. I asked how long until I’d need treatment. She said “Oh, maybe not in your lifetime”. I was relieved, but when I was leaving I thought - did she mean my cataracts weren’t bad or that I would die soon??? :rolleyes:

I can notice my cataracts but still pass the phony DMV exam. I’m most bothered by my limited ability to spot some of the tricky targets in PRS rifle matches. If I can find the targets I can hit them. But if I spend too much time looking for them I time out. Old and slow. :confused:
What worries me is the possible accelleration of the yellowing process. Right now I told both my eye docs I wanted these ops a year out and they said fine. An ananomoose forum member is having issues too. Driving in the rain at night is the worst..... The surgeon at the preliminary appointment will do a "light passage test" to see how bad I am. Its clear on the eye chart test I am not as good as I was.....I am still fine on bright sunny days driving but I try and avoid night time and am very careful.
Eons ago, my eye doctor told me that everyone will eventually develop cataracts if you live long enough.

One huge improvement I noticed after the major cataract in my left eye was removed were the colors. I could now see colors much more vividly and especially in low light!
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I am scheduled to get cataract surgery on my right eye in two weeks. If all goes well I will be getting the left eye done 6 weeks later. My current thought is to get progressive along with transition lenses and to wear glasses all the time which is what I currently do. Carrying around separate readers and sunglasses is not something I care to do. Of course that thought may change after I have had the surgery done.
One huge improvement I noticed after the major cataract in my left eye was removed were the colors. I could now see colors much more vividly and especially in low light!

My optometrist tells the story of when his Mother's eyes were both done they took her back home. She looked around her house and said "Why didn't you tell how ugly these colors are?.... :rofl1:

My current thought is to get progressive along with transition lenses and to wear glasses all the time which is what I currently do.

That is the best solution I've found. I wish I had done it sooner. My wife ordered her glasses at the 1 month follow up and likes how well it's works for her.
Almost 1 year ago I had both eyes done, right (dominate) eye 1st, left a month later. I am extremely pleased with the outcome. I had basic single distance lenses implanted, calibrated for distance vision. My distance vision is spot on, even though I have some astigmatism, I can drive my auto all day without glasses. I can see the speedo and other gauges without my glasses so no problem that way. Since I have always worn glasses, I got progressive lenses for my current frames and generally wear them as they have the astigmatism correction and allow me see everything from distance to reading without removing/changing glasses. However when driving on an all day drive I often wear just plain sun glasses or no glasses at all. My night vision definitely improved with the cataracts now gone.
Before my cataract surgeries, I was always worried about having to drive at night in the rain; especially on strange roads. The glare I got from oncoming headlights was often blinding. The cataract surgeries didn't make it 100% better but at least 70-80% better. ;)
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