

Mar 21, 2011
Belfast, Maine
2010 NT-700 V Red
Our church opened after a year and seven months. It was nice to see people I had not seen in a long time. It also felt good to go to church again (I started to look for a church that was open). I do believe that closing for so long was not necessary. Maine was slow in getting back to normal even though we have a low population. It's all politics.
It is good to see things getting closer to normal. I hope it keeps going in the right direction.

Unfortunately with the Delta variant starting to take hold and being 50% more contagious we may not be out of the woods yet. I recently took my grand children to the St. Louis zoo and virtually no one was wearing a mask. Missouri is one of the worst states with its population getting vaccinated with only about 40% vaccination rate. Some counties are only about 25% and the Delta variant is starting to sweep through those counties.
Is it mostly hitting younger people or hitting all age groups?
Is it mostly hitting younger people or hitting all age groups?

It seems to hit everyone and it is quite a bit more dangerous than even the initial versions of this darned thing. It is easier to catch and puts people down harder and faster.

A doctor buddy of mine said that the medical community is pretty apprehensive, if not scared, about this.
Is it mostly hitting younger people or hitting all age groups?

Here it it the young and the anti-vax crowd, surprise, surprise, surprise, of all ages being hit. Georgia is less than 40% fully vaccinated so it's going to get ugly here again I suspect. We'll see how the decision to not be vaccinated works out. My Brother In Law has a family member is in the hospital with Covid-19 and pneumonia so that isn't looking good.
Anti vaxers are doing the rest of us a favor. They don't believe in herd immunity. Maybe they will believe in herd culling.
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