Finding it hard to make the switch...

Jan 5, 2011
Richmond, VA
2012 Kawasaki Concours 14
OK, so I no longer have the NT as I traded it in on a new Connie a couple of weeks ago. I love the Connie, and have joined the COG site. But, I am having trouble making the switch. Every time I log on the computer, I still navigate directly to this site and rarely go to the COG site. I guess it is a combination of old habits and good folks on this site. Anyway, I wanted to say thanks to you all for the great interactions over the past couple of years and that I will probably continue to linger on this site.

There is no reason to leave, the site isn't just about the bike, it is about the people. I go to a couple H-D sites and Trike sites but only for short visits...this site is much more interesting...:D
I rarely visit the Tiger Explorer forums as the one dedicated forum is mostly UK/EU users so comments and posts about dealers, locations, events, etc mean nothing to me. There is also more vitriol and American-ribbing (for example, someone posted a pic of their Russell Day Long for the TEx and the comments consisted of a lot of OMG that is F'ing ugly! or wow is your *** really that big?). Granted most posts aren't like that but I've seen enough to determine I don't want to participate much in that community. I do browse there now and again to see what sort of farkles people have been up to but that's about it.

So I know how you feel. I like it here better :)
As Wayne stated above, this site is not just about the NT, but more about people who have a love for motorcycles.
The motorcycle is the glue that binds us all together.
I stayed with the Ninjette site for quite a while after I got the NT. The site just evolved into a bunch of obnoxious people trying to one up each other. I unsubscribed.
Sometimes I get frustrated with the moderation on this site, but I understand its importance. This is such a positive environment filled with good souls. I have seen a lot of naked hatred on my facebook wall during this election and it makes me appreciate the contribution that our administrators and moderators make all the more.
Being in this community has helped me to enjoy my return to the moto world even more.
The Concours Owners Group had a great forum and a great mail-list. The guy who started the Forum and was its administrator is a good friend of mine. About 7 years after I got my Connie, the Executive Director of COG decided that we needed to have a "better" Forum and add the ability to pay for Rallies and COG membership. My friend wasn't interested in making those changes to the Forum that he'd been supporting and paying for for years. COG ended up starting their own Forum and my friend Rick kept his forum going as The COG Forum is farily moribund and the COG Mail List has lost its vitality. Seeing what happened there has really made me appreciate this Forum and Mellow's administrative policies.

Hip-hip-hooray for Mellow! Three Cheers for!
I have been "hankering" for a Connie for longer rides I want to take, but never get the chance, for a few years now, but I can't give up the NT for the daily commute.
And I hate to let my old Vmax go either.
I guess I should start buying a lotto ticket once in a while, so I could afford several bikes and be able to retire so I could play with them.
I like this forum better than another forum I shall not name, because I don't want them to find it and link here. Those guys hate women. I'm sure that they would say I am a special case, exceptional, not like most women. But this whole "exceptionalism" thing is a trap - you constantly have to prove your exceptionalism by hating women yourself. This dynamic means there can only ever be one woman. Imagine two Smurfettes in one room - one of them would have to kill the other. I don't need to fight all the other women for the Smurfette role. I'll stay here instead.
Katherine. I am glad that you still hang out with us. You have made a positive contribution to this forum and I have learned a few things from you as well.
I'm watching "The Body Politic" on MNBC right now and they remind me of how differently women experience the world than men. I appreciate that on this forum I've never noticed (and, granted, I'm male so I might not notice) that women are just treated like people.

It says something very positive about our membership, IMNSHO.
Don't worry Katherine, you are not 'exceptional'. Tall maybe, but, not exceptional :)

I like to see women on forums as well. On the Guzzi forum there are a few who post, even one whose husband refuses to join the forum so she "speaks" for both of them.
I find K.'s experiences on the other forum(s) interesting, and maybe a bit sad that we havent come along a bit farther and accept individuals for who they are and not some stereotype we expect them to be....I think this forum is full of exceptional people, some of which, like Phil, I had the honor of meeting at the Spearfish rally, and some of which are like K., who I havent had the honor of meeting. Anyway, I am glad to have K. and the other women who post here, just as I am glad to have Phil, Bobagain and the rest of you folks.
We're glad to have you, too, Chris. :)

This is a good group of people.
Mello does a great job, but let's face it, it's the people.

We're old, we know how to spell, and learned English grammar in the 8th grade. We don't write in Tweet speak. We learned to respect others and other's opinions when they still used to teach people to do that.

I've only met about 10 of the people on the forum in person, but all are great people. Really a pleasure to be around. That's what everybody else says about all of the other people on the forum that they've met. I don't know how the people on this forum got attracted to it, but we're lucky they did.
Most of us got attracted to this forum because we'd been on, which MC Larry had started with Mellow's help. Then MCL had an accident and was incapacitated and the forum got spammed/hacked and frozen. Larry had been the only administrator and there were no moderators, so we were stuck. Mellow started this one to keep us going.

It's been a better Forum than the ".com" was, IMNSHO.
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