Helmet to Helmet Communication

Phil Tarman

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Dec 12, 2010
Greeley, CO
2010 Silver NT700VA (ABS)
OK, here's the question: Rick and I are wondering about getting a setup that will let us commnunicate while we're on the Epic Ride.

I've got a Schuberth helmet with no mike or earphones, but I know they make one designed to fit in my C-3. Rick's got a ??? (it's been all of three minutes since I read what he's got, so, naturally, my mind is totally blank). He can jump in and tell you what he's got. He doesn't want to replace what he's got.

What can we do/get/rig-up so that we can talk to each other when we're reasonably close to one another on the road to Alaska?
I have the Schuberth SRCS-System for the C3 and in my opinion leave well alone!

I've had nothing but trouble with it and it is currently being "fixed" - only they've had it for 3 months and I still haven't got it back!

Go with the same system that Rick's got as they are more likely to talk to each other. I couldn't get my Nolan n-com to talk to my Schuberth SRCS-System no matter how much I tried.

See WebBike World's comparison of kit.

and the UK forum for some suggestions
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John, thanks for that advice! Since the Schuberth system is pretty expensive, and since it's apparently not very compatible with other system, I'll get what Rick's got.
OK, Rick; I'll hold off for a good while until we're sure what I'm going to do is going to work with your system. My hunch is that any Bluetooth system can be paired with yours. I got one note from John in France recommending thatI not get a Schuberth system.
Me and my riding buddy have the Sena SH10 that has been highly recommended on this site by many others. With that said if you both already have a system them the best cheapest route would be to try and make that work. If you can't then buy the same system as your buddy. We were lucky in that neither of us had a system and found a two pack SH10 on sale. It was still over the top expensive but it has worked flawless. As long as I can see him it works. It doesn't work around corners and the order of preference can't be changed. If we are talking the NAV won't be heard through the system.
Not all bluetooth comm systems will work with each other. My Scala Q2 will not work with a SENA unit for example. I dont know why.

I would contact the mfg directly and ask if theirs can pair with the Shark unit. Start off by saying that your buddy already has a Shark so they don't get into the "mine is better than theirs" sales pitch.

Even better would be to find someone with a unit and test it. Or, find out who makes the Shark unit.

My brother and I both have the SENA and it works great. FWIW, range is quite long, almost 1/2 mile with no obstructions. Line of sight is usually what blocks our signal, especially on curvy roads or in city traffic. If you can't see each other then you probably can't talk to each other.

For a trip like AK I'd also consider getting a set of FMRS radios for backup and when off the bikes.
I don't know anybody who even has a comm system.
Go with the Sena 10 unit


I have one and I do really like it. As with the author, I was also pleasantly surprised with the ease of use and the sound quality. Only dis advantage I can find is no instant on. If listening to music and want to warn your riding buddy of deer hazard. Takes a couple of seconds to switch from music to talk mode. by then the deer are already past. I am looking for a used one for my daughter so in rare occasion we can go ride together we can talk bike to bike. As it is now I use it to listen to music. It is loud enough to hear through my ear plugs. It also bucktooth's with my Zumo 550. How ever with mine I must have the Sena on first and then turn on the Zumo for it to sync. I have my phone synced with the Zumo.
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I went riding with a friend last week who had just purchased the Cardo Scala 9. I own version 4. It took us about 2 minutes to pair up and we were talking to each other for most of the day. The clarity was amazing and batteries were still good 8 hours later. It syncs very well with my Zumo 550 which in turn syncs with my phone. I did notice that I couldn't receive phone calls while paired up and I couldn't hear the GPS talk to me also. Maybe both of those are possible while paired I just haven't figured it out yet. The Cardo is something to consider, I'm pleased with it.

Have you and rick considered just getting a couple of small CB radio units and short antenas and a small speaker box that you can hear either with or with out a ear phone , I suggest consulting a a cb dealer , like one who sets up CB for truckers.this shouldn't be mind boggling technology for some one who is into cb radio's the small units I am thnking of were only about 4 - 5 inches wideby under 1 inch thick and maybe 8 inches lon and would probably velcro to the top of your tank bag.

OR get a hold of Mark Reis inarlington WA and tell him what y ou are trying to do and ask for his recomendation

I hadn't thought of that, Eldon. We're just gathering information now.
I've had good luck with a Sena 05 which is about half the price of anything else out there ($100). I ride fairly often with a friend that has a Sena 10. We keep the intercom open and can chat for several hours without any problem.
Thanks to everyone for all the feedback and info. Rick and I will be working on our solution and will keep everyone posted.
If you want more "stuff" combined in to one easy to use and carry unit check out the Garmin Rino series of GPS's... I borrowed a Rino 650 a couple of times for off road riding with the Wee and they are really nice. Waterproof (IPX7) GPS, I used the optional TOPO map feature, Low power FMRS radio, GMRS radio with 5 Watts, NOAA Weather Radio, displays the location of friends with compatible units, (Now where did Phil go???) multiple 12V Power options, AA Battery option, Push To Talk headset, extra power packs, etc.... Beats carrying a GPS, FMRS, Weather Radio, etc, and if you get the 655 Model it even has a digital camera... If I had keep the Wee I was going to get one for use on all the bikes...
I don't know anybody who even has a comm system.

Yes you do! You know all of us. I'd just like to add my $.02 and +1 for the Sena SMH10. Very easy setup and pairing, outstanding sound quality, and real good range. Read what "rcase13" said -- that will save me from having to type it all out because my experience is identical.
Rick, we could get a 2-pack of Sena's SH10 from Amazon for $286. That might not be a bad deal, since it gets consistently good reviews.
Rick, we could get a 2-pack of Sena's SH10 from Amazon for $286. That might not be a bad deal, since it gets consistently good reviews.

That would be good, Phil, as then when you and I get together to ride we would have commo also. When I ride my NT i use the Sena all the time. Mostly for music.
We can go to the 3 flags comm system. That works fine for me. I haven't talked to anybody in 14 years of riding (except Joanne when we had a Chatterbox watch-battery-powered intercom system that worked OK at speeds under 60 mph, but wasn't worth a flip faster than that). I haven't listened to music for about 4-5 years and don't even want to listen to a GPS.
Phil On road rally's I've used a Motorola walkie talkie set with headphones. You might want to check them out. I 'm pretty sure the ear drops would fit under a helmet, I'm just not sure of the noise cancellation in the mike. You can talk pretty far and they're portable so they'd go well on a hike in the woods besides road time. They're cheap compared to what I just paid for Nolan E-boxes.

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