How hot does your NT run


Hi just just looking for some feedback on other NT riders experience with the running temperature of NT700V's. Mine has stared to run around the halfway mark during ambient temperatures of 23-28 degrees. I seem to remember that it never really got that hot before and stayed just above the quarter mark. I am going to change the coolant, and check the thermostat, but keen for others ideas.
My experience is pretty similar with normal being just a hair above 1/4 mark most of the time. The only time it gets to 1/2 is in stop & go traffic. Once traffic clears up and I start moving again, the needle starts to drop fairly quickly. Check that the radiator is topped up and don't rely solely on the overflow tank being a gauge of the system being full.
Around the 1/4 mark is where ours runs also.
Hi just just looking for some feedback on other NT riders experience with the running temperature of NT700V's. Mine has stared to run around the halfway mark during ambient temperatures of 23-28 degrees. I seem to remember that it never really got that hot before and stayed just above the quarter mark. I am going to change the coolant, and check the thermostat, but keen for others ideas.
That is about where my NT ran. Hot weather and Atlanta traffic would take it up to the halfway mark, and occasionally a bit beyond it, quite often. But as soon as the traffic cleared and I could run a reasonable speed it would drop back down to just above a quarter mark...
Any spring or summer weather mine is going to run just below the halfway mark so long as i am moving at a good pace
Almost as soon as I slow to creeping speeds it wil go past half and the fan kicks on. My fan will kick on even in the winter if I sit in rtraffic for very long
My experience is like Clay's. In the winter and up into the low 70s (F), it runs just above 1/4. Then as it gets into the 80s, it edges up to around 1/2, and in traffic, I'll see it a needle's width (maybe two needle's widths) above 1/2. At about that point the fan kicks in and it goes back down to about 1 needle width above half.
My experience is like Clay's

Phil I dont know if you remember me telling you about this; Last summer as I made my way thru the Rockies From Durango to Montrose, Gunnison, Aspen, Keystone, Empire, Rocky Mtn Nat'l Park and over to Greeley, my bike would routinely get hot at altitude, even when the temps up top were in the 40's, and would not cool down til I got off the mountain
Is the air at 12000' thin enough to not cool your engine?
Clay, I'd forgotten that, but remember it now that you mention it. And I've never notice altitude being a factor in how hot my bike runs. As far as I can remember, it's run at about the same temperature up in the passes as it's run at the same ambient temperature down lower.
My fan come on when its two needles above half and then brings it back to just touching half but still above half
Once I start moving it comes back to wherever is normal for the conditions at the time
Hi all, thanks for the great feedback. I tried just letting the bike idle in the garage, and the fan kicks in just above the halfway mark as others have stated. Over the last couple of days I been caught in driving rain, and the gauge sits around at the quarter mark no problems.

Thanks again.
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