I can see clearly now.......


Mar 21, 2011
Belfast, Maine
2010 NT-700 V Red
Had a new lens put in my right eye on the 5Th and got checked out by the doc today. Everything went perfectly. The bad news is--no sailing, bicycling, and motorcycling for a week---and we have a week of great weather ahead. Have to do drops--3 kinds four times a day.
I guess I will spend time researching a bike I found in a yard sale--a Centurion Cavello, Five Speed, Tange Chrome Molly, Made in Japan. I would guess the bike is about 40 years old. Restorable to mint condition with little effort in a short period of time.
Technically, the doctor should clear you for running before the wind, as the lack of apparent wind should preclude stuff getting into your eye..............good luck and best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.
Always rides safely and keep your airspeed under control.

Wonderful news! Except the big disappointement for the coming nice weekend....

May the time off the NT pass quickly and fair weather greet you upon your return.

Lemme know if you come across a "vintage" 1984 58cm Miyata 1200 made of Tange-3 CroMo with Suntour Cyclone II ders. My first race bike (no rack eyelets).
a spoiled weekend is a small price for good vision. Speedy recovery and see you on the road.
Thank you all.
I am very happy with the results. Doc (who is now riding his H-D Heritage to NC for his fall vacation) says that all I will need is reading glasses. They will also remove the restriction of corrective lenses on my license. The beauty of that is that I will no longer have to wear glasses with my helmet. I found that unless I treat them with some anti fog stuff, they fog up when the weather gets cooler like it is now.
The beauty of that is that I will no longer have to wear glasses with my helmet.

I still wear sunglasses even with my full face RF-1100 helmet... I like to flip my visor up to catch a breeze now and then and I want something on to protect my bionic eyes... Plus I bought some RayBan Aviators and had my optometrist make 1.5X reading lenses for them. That allow me to read a map, and my smaller instrument displays, without digging for glasses.

The hardest thing for me to get used to after my surgery was everything seemed "backwards". For about 35 years I always took my glasses off to read..now I have to find a pair so I can read... One interesting thing about "readers" is they seem to randomly migrate from room to room, and among vehicles, so buy a couple of spare pairs...
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Had a new lens put in my right eye on the 5Th and got checked out by the doc today. Everything went perfectly. The bad news is--no sailing, bicycling, and motorcycling for a week---and we have a week of great weather ahead. Have to do drops--3 kinds four times a day.
I guess I will spend time researching a bike I found in a yard sale--a Centurion Cavello, Five Speed, Tange Chrome Molly, Made in Japan. I would guess the bike is about 40 years old. Restorable to mint condition with little effort in a short period of time.

I have a Centurion Super Elite that I purchased new in the early 80's. I rode it everywhere and still do. A nice mid price bike at the time. Reasonably light with Champion No. 2 chromoly double butted tubing. I think I paid around $400 for it then.
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