Ignition switch annoyance


I have the hardest time getting my key into the ignition switch (most of the time). It feels like I can't find the right angle, or the internal mechanics get stuck. Every once in a while the key slides right in, but sometimes I have to fiddle with it for 15-20 seconds to get it to go in. Is anyone else having these problems?
I too seem to have trouble regularly. I think it is just a problem with the angle, and having to reach over the handlebar clamp.
I've had the same problem but not since it froze up one evening in Feb. I had to heat the key on a stove to melt the ice that had gotten inside ignition after a wash. someone on the forum(Dave, I think) urged WD 40ing it to get any water residue out. Side benefit was no problem getting the key in.
I have probs with the lock / switch i cant see why Honda could not have designed it so that it sits flush with the top of the bars.. it seem so deep, and i find it a pain especially if ya got gloves on.
And I thought it was just me! Apparently Honda needs help with all things, key related.
I've also noticed that when the bars are locked, it seems like the top of the mechanism where the flap that protects the actual key hole goes will spin independent of the lock mechanism. So if you twitch while inserting your key, you could not only have to fiddle with the angle but you then need to realign the top slot with the underlying key mechanism. The only time I really have a problem is when I'm trying to get the key in in the dark.

thats the same trouble i have, gets annoying specially when ya in a rush to get away from work...lol
I am not sure if it was due to our high heat, the lube I put on the switch, the recent rain or a combination of the three but the on/off/lock sticker came off my switch housing. Fortunately its pretty easy to tell what position it is in without it. I may order a new one from one of the parts sites. They are only a couple of bucks.
Found it less troublesome since I installed the risers--guess it makes the angle better.
I found a little time burnished the parts to the point all works well on the ignition...
I'd like to strangle the guy that designed the ignition switch. Why did Honda have to reinvent it? My last two Hondas had a switch flush with the top of the handlebar clamp that worked perfectly. Why would anyone think that recessing it into a hole would be a good idea? I suppose it would be more than a "farkle" to reposition the switch now, what with the wiring probably not being long enough, and the steering lock to contend with. I'll try the light oil and polish route. Glad I'm not the only one with this problem.
I do not yet have my new NT yet, BUTT; Has anyone tried TRI_FLOW lubricant in the areosol can? I have a locksmith friend that says this is better than WD etc as it will not slude up , also i have had very good luck with Marvel mystry oil in freeing up froz up engine pistons and carb slides as well as throttle and clutch cablles
TRI_FLOW lubricant

I have used Tri Flow. It helps but there is something about the key fit or placement that makes it harder than some to line up and insert key. Not that big of a deal on my NT.

My dealer says the ignition switch is recessed for theft prevention. It makes it harder to get leverage on the lock to pop it off. They said other bikes are recessed like that, too, but I didn't see any in their showroom that day. (They are a small dealer.)
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