Knot on my forehead.



Just above my nose and just into the helmet at the center of my forehead , my forehead starts to burn after about 3 hours of riding. I believe this is circulation being cut off in the tiny vessels close to the surface. I must have a knot there. On cheap helmets I could just crush 1/8 inch into the Styrofoam insulation with my fingers but I can't seem to budge the insulation in some of my helmets. I don't have much (any) hair there so it is skin against helmet. What to do all? What say ye?

Just above my nose and just into the helmet at the center of my forehead , my forehead starts to burn after about 3 hours of riding. I believe this is circulation being cut off in the tiny vessels close to the surface. I must have a knot there. On cheap helmets I could just crush 1/8 inch into the Styrofoam insulation with my fingers but I can't seem to budge the insulation in some of my helmets. I don't have much (any) hair there so it is skin against helmet. What to do all? What say ye?
A Hammer to adjust the foam and a silky helmet liner. Keeps the helmet from getting stinky. also keeps your ears from folding when putting on or taking off the helmet
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A Hamer to adjust the foam and a silky helmet liner. Keeps the helmet from getting stinky. also keeps your ears from folding when putting on or taking off the helmet

Any suggestions about where to get a "silky helmet liner"? A friend I rode with awhile back had one and I forgot to ask where he got his.
A Hammer to adjust the foam and a silky helmet liner. Keeps the helmet from getting stinky. also keeps your ears from folding when putting on or taking off the helmet

The first liner I tried had a seam in it that ran across my forehead. I wondered why I got such a huge headache during my ride until I got home and took off my helmet. I had a big groove from the seam running across my forehead. I bought a different brand but have not tried it yet.
Igo, I get that forehead dot too. I use the back of a spoon to crush the foam at that point, just a tiny bit. It's better on my newer Shoeis than it was on my old ones. The other thing that helps a lot, is thicker cheek pads, which Shoei does sell. The thicker cheek pads move the helmet forward on my head, and keep it there even with the wind pushing it back.

Other people have told me I need an Arai, because they make a helmet with a more "long oval" shape. So I actually tried a bunch of them on, found one that seemed comfortable when I stood around in it for an hour at the store, and spent the big bucks for a helmet that cost almost $600! I wore it for a weekend ride and by the end of the weekend I was in agony, it was like having my head in a vise. I gave it away and went back to Shoei, and have had no trouble since, as long as I do the above mods.
LD Comfort has a helmet liner that I've been real happy with, summer and winter.
I hadn't realized it had been so long since I had outfitted a new motorcycle. Now we have a motorcycle underwear web site. Thanks Phil; I just can't close this shopping list. LOL.
I'm having so much fun.
I have the Arai Vector. When new it felt very tight, but not enough to cause headaches. I fitted it with slightly thinner cheek pads and that cured the fit problem. My head is quite oval and I noticed that some Arai helmets are very oval and some are round. Other makers helmets are more round, like Shoie. Sine the Vector does not have a removable interior, I always use a "do rag". These can be has cheap and keep the inside clean.
The first liner I tried had a seam in it that ran across my forehead. I wondered why I got such a huge headache during my ride until I got home and took off my helmet. I had a big groove from the seam running across my forehead. I bought a different brand but have not tried it yet.
Maybe you had it inside out. Seams go on the helmet side away from the skin. I did the same thing when i started to wear a liner. had the grove right down the for head.
If your going to buy a helmet for that purpose go to Cycle Gear, they have a 7 day no hassle helmet return policy.

Here's the LD Comfort helmet liner -- although mine is in the much more sophisticated day-glo orange.
You're scaring me Katherine. I just tried on my new Schuberth and the fit seems to be spot on. I've already returned a pair of gloves that caused some problems.

Me? How am I scaring you? I didn't say anything about Schuberth helmets - I've never even tried one on.
Just kidding Katherine. The thought that it might not work out for me was a small concern and your story made me flinch just a little. My apologies.

My wife really hates those helmet liners that tie at the back that you can buy at every gas station and walmart, so I picked up a welders cap from Tractor Supply. You can buy them in various sizes and colors and the little brim helps me from getting sunburned on the back of my neck. They are double thickness of fabrick so they have lots of absorbtion in them.
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