On My Way to WV

Phil that fuel mileage thing makes it sound like a fuel starvation issue. The computer calculates with time and assumed pressure so it would not know if less fuel flow is actually happening. Could still be several things including fuel pump, fuel strainer (at the pump), or injector restriction.
Probably need to look it over closer when you get back home.
Enjoy the trip and watch out for camp fuel. You didn't fill the bike with camp fuel did you?


Sorry I had to add that camp fuel part.
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Brad, I'm only drinking real bourbon now, thank you very much. :rofl1:

I've run Seafoam through the bike since my more intense problems back in October. It's better now than it was then.

As per the fuel mileage change in indicated vs calculated -- my fuel mileage has stayed about the same. On the interstate in Colorado and Kansas, I was getting mid-40s running 75. Since I got off the interstate, running at the slower speeds back here, I've been getting low to mid 50s. My indicated fuel mileage was around 38-40 on Colorado and Kansas interstates, and has been anywhere between 42-60 in Illinois and Indiana at 55mph.

Relative to the Rostra, it has always cut out when it required more than about 3/4 throttle. But when it quit working after we left Mike's, it just quit while I was cruising along at about 65, no strain. It didn't work at all for about 100 miles and then just came back and has worked fine for the last 100 miles. We'll see how it does tomorrow.

Miles yesterday: 373. Miles on trip: 1263. Total Miles on NT: 127,126.
When we discussed your driveability issue with Dudley, I asked if you had every romped on it in a lower gear to see if the loss of power occurred at a certain RPM. Did you ever do that? So far you have only noticed it at highway speeds, but does it occur at the same RPM regardless of which gear you are in? The mileage indication may be a clue. To derive the MPG for the display, the computer measures injector pulse width (time open) vs measured distance. The NT has always been wildly optimistic regarding the displayed MPG. If yours is now more accurate, it could indicate that the injector pulse width has decreased (less fuel flow) thus indicating a more accurate reading. I'm not so sure at this point that it is a fuel pressure issue, rather that it may be that some other parameter may be causing the injector pulse width to decrease.

Ride safe!

[...The NT has always been wildly optimistic regarding the displayed MPG...]

I've only used that function once or twice in early-2010 when the bike was new and thereafter never used it again! I calculate my mileage the old fashioned way at fill-ups with pencil & paper, using simple arithmetic. My last 5 tanks have averaged 56.5 mpg and I mostly short-shift and ride at posted speed +5-8 mph. :)

Mike - good to hear you returned home safely!
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Woke up this morning and no rain so I'll be starting out dry anyway. Hope I get there dry. Going to wear my rain gear anyway. See you all this afternoon.
Barry - the weather looks good from this end in OH. The possibility of rain forecast for Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun has been steadily decreasing since Monday. Deb & I will be leaving in about an hour+ and it's only a 3-hour ride for us to North Bend. See you there!

ps. I'll be riding my NT, not my NC/w DCT, and not pulling the bikes on my trailer!
Barry - the weather looks good from this end in OH. The possibility of rain forecast for Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun has been steadily decreasing since Monday. Deb & I will be leaving in about an hour+ and it's only a 3-hour ride for us to North Bend. See you there!

ps. I'll be riding my NT, not my NC/w DCT, and not pulling the bikes on my trailer!

Woo Hoo ! Looking forward to seeing everyone. If any one camping reads this, the gate to our special camping area is to stay closed. Lock is to be unlocked and just hanging there. Go in, my tent is straight back with blue tarp over it. See everyone there. Weather looking good so taking long way there, ie more than 45 min. :)
We're at North Bend State Park and the weather is beautiful here! There are around 8-9 of us here so far but no Phil?

Mike can you call him then let us know how he's doing and where he is...please
We're at North Bend State Park and the weather is beautiful here! There are around 8-9 of us here so far but no Phil?

Mike can you call him then let us know how he's doing and where he is...please

I sent him a text an hour or so ago and no reply, I will try a call.


PS He just pulled in at 5:42 CDT.
Yeah, he finally arrived and we all had a nice dinner at the lodge restaurant. There are 11 of us here!
I got here and DirtFlier was making my phone ring just as I pulled into the parking lot. Then, just when I got off the bike after parking the phone rang again and it was Mike calling. Woodaddict got here about 30 minutes after I did, so it looks like there are 12 or 13 of us (I'm dain-bread and can't count). They were all having a camp-fire down by Duane's tent (he's the only one camping, BTW). But when I tried to pay for my meal with my debit card, it was rejected, so I spent the last hour on hold trying to talk to a live human being at Bank of the West. When I finally got one, she said there was nothing wrong with my card and that they didn't show that it had been used as a payment method here at North Bend State Park. Maybe the kid who waited on us didn't know what he was doing. ?????

I had a good ride today and am feeling a little more acclimatized to the bike. I had eaten at Chili's in Seymour last night and had a good hamburger. I don't know whether it wasn't so good after all or not, but I woke up with some intestinal dysfunction and that threw me behind schedule (again). I got away from Seymour at about 11:15 ... and then 45 minutes down the road, I realized that I didn't have my camera with me. Naturally (as I learned later in the afternoon), I'd left it in the room. I decided that I wasn't going to spend another hour and a half+ driving back to get it. But later in the afternoon, I called and it was there. The manager is mailing it home for me. High marks for her!

The ride from Seymour to Aurora, IN, where I stopped for gas, was nice, but nowhere near as pretty as the ride from the IL/IN line to Seymour had been. After I got gas, I got off of US-50 and onto I-275 South and crossed the Ohio river into Kentucky and went around Cincinnati. Then it was onto OH-32, "The Appalachian Highway." East of Cincinnati about 45-50 miles, as traffic tailed off, it became a beautiful road. Sweepers that would have been more fun at 70-75 mph than the 55 or 60mph speed limits that were posted, but still, they were through very pretty country. Ever so often, there would be a stoplight, but they weren't much of an annoyance. I was in torrential rain for about 20 miles between Jackson and Athens, but that was it. I had ridden the stretch between Athens and where I got off of US-50 east of Parkersburg, back when I was on my way to Canaan Valley State Park for the 2007 Concours Owners Group National Rally. WV's stretch of 50 is hilly with hollers crossing it. I made it to Ellenboro for gas (245 miles and I still had almost a half galloon in the tank! Then I backtracked on 50 to get onto the road to Cairo, the little burg where the entrance to North Bend State Park lives. It was 3 1/2 miles of gravel with lots of potholes. I had visions of crashing, but overcame them with my superior skill and vigilant line-picking. :rofl1:

Just as I pulled into the parking lot, my phone was ringing (DirtFlier was worried about where I was). He'd called Mike Simmons and Mike had sent me a text but I don't look for texts when I'm riding. So, just after i got off my bike and was getting out of my 'Stitch, the phone rang again and it was Mike. Now I've talked to Joanne, so everybody who cares knows I made it.

We had a good dinner and are meeting for breakfast at 8 and then going on Duane's "Smokehouse Run," which will take us to the best BBQ in WV and be about a 200 mile ride.

I'm still not in fantastic riding condition, but I can tell that I'm gaining on it. More later!

Today's ride: 315 miles

Trip mileage: 1,578 miles.
Phil now that you made the above post “everyone who cares knows”

We all care about you, probably more than you realise. And being very open and honest, most of us probably all care for everyone here on the forum even though many of us have never met and may never meet.

Good to hear you are all safe. Enjoy the rides over the next few days and keep safe everyone.

Obviously, my SWAG taking into account time/distance/headwinds/hills for ETA :rofl1: gets tossed out the window when someone leaves their previous night's stop after 11 AM...aka "Phil Time"!

Last night he tried to rope the group into meeting for breakfast at 11 AM but was soundly and quickly voted down so we're meeting at 8 AM. :)
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And they did! I ate breakfast with them, but I didn't get much sleep last night and am still sore and achy so decided not to ride today. I'll ride tomorrow and enjoy the company tonight and tomorrow. It's great to put faces with names!!
Phil, it sounds like you're getting smart in your OLD age. I'm certain that in your younger days you would have pushed through some aches and pains to go play on your motorcycle. Now you FINALLY have enough sense to listen to what your body is telling you. We seniors seem to think we can do things like we always used to - not so. Sometimes mother nature imposes some limitations on us. We are supposed to be smart enough to know how to handle them, but we are humans who do things we sometimes shouldn't. I know first hand how it works.

I'm glad you got to finally meet the eastern NTers. Wish I was there. And, more importantly, they all get to meet the legendary Phil. Just don't drink any stove fuel for them or drop you bike just to impress them.
I didn't go far today. I'm in Fairmont and will ride to Columbus on Tuesday to visit the AMA Hall of Fame and Iron Pony. Then I'll come back to Morgantown for the Stayin'Safe course.

Miles yesterday: 163

Miles today: 69

Trip miles: 1,815
Didn't ride to Columbus yesterday -- no real need to ride in torrential rain. Did ride to Columbus today. It was cool and damp in WV and PA, but finally warmed up a bit when I got into OH. I'll see the AMA museum and the Iron Pony tomorrow and ride back to Morgantown Friday. Sounds like it's gonna' be wet all weekend. I'm not thrilled about that.

Miles today: 240

Miles on Trip: 2,055

Miles on bike: 127,912 (not quite as much as Woodaddict!)
Sounds like it's gonna' be wet all weekend.

Stay up north...it's going to really rainy here for the next several days. Any planned three day weekend festivities around here better involve water...:rolleyes1: If that Tropical Storm in the Caribbean develops it may get really wet next week as well...
Hang in there Phil, the forecast for the WV gathering was pretty wet too and you guys lucked out. You might be lucky again. Eric has been in the business for a while and I'm sure he has some fall-back plans, but he does ride in the rain.

Now, if I had come down there to meet up with you it would be raining for sure, if not hailing. One of the best trips I ever had was when I (like you) rode out early and ended up with nowhere to go and three days to get there. So I went "bummin" and found lots of good riding and attractions.
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