Overheating after a radiator flush


Dec 18, 2010
Well so the 32k first maintenance did not work out so well. I will be taking it back. Best guess is either not enough cooling fluid or air in the systen. Any quick fix suggestions before I do since I am not in a hurry to get is fixed. Too hot to ride anyway in both cases.
Oh by the way the resevoir is full which is about as much tearing apart as I care to do. Not in a hurry to remove the middle cow to get at the radiator cap.l.
Does the fan come on? If they dealership did it, they could have disconnected the fan and forgot to re-connect. Just a guess as I've see that mistake before. Could be air as well. Hope they get it fixed, it is starting to warm up - was hoping we would skip summer this year.. LOL
The fan is working but the temperature level which-by everyone who has commented on it in the forum-is now higher than its usual one guage width off the first quarter on the temperature guage. I will try a technique mentioned in the shop manual of starting the engine cold and running it for 2 minutes, blipping the throttle a couple of times and then shutting down. This is supposed clear air bubbles out of the system with the radiator cap off. Maybe it will help with it on. Wondering if the system would pull fluid out of the reservoir (which is full) if the system is short coolant?
The fan is working but the temperature level which-by everyone who has commented on it in the forum-is now higher than its usual one guage width off the first quarter on the temperature guage. I will try a technique mentioned in the shop manual of starting the engine cold and running it for 2 minutes, blipping the throttle a couple of times and then shutting down. This is supposed clear air bubbles out of the system with the radiator cap off. Maybe it will help with it on. Wondering if the system would pull fluid out of the reservoir (which is full) if the system is short coolant?

The fan shouldnt come on til its about two needles' width past 3:00
I never saw a lot of air vent into the radiator when doing the 2 minute run & throttle blip after changing the coolant, but it is worth a try. Some air also burped back into the radiator by squeezing the soft radiator hoses a few times and tipping the NT as far left and right as possible. You may want to try that with the engine off and with it running. After every burp there was a good amount of coolant needed to be added to make up for the air burp....id estimate 2 cups total had to added after the radiator was initially filled. Good luck.
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