Please help. Maxiuum load for the NT700V?


Can someone please tell me what the maximum load is for the NT700V? I still haven't been able to download the manual. Very strange. Should be an easy thing to do.

Ride safe.

Thanks so much for your help Kathy and Christian. You both just made my day. I've gotta get back to reading the NT700V manual. haha Thanks again.

Keep the shiny side up. Ride safe my friends.

What is the max load for the Honda top box? The sticker in the box just says to subtract the weight of the box (11lbs) from the rear carrier mounts maximum load. What is the maximum load capacity of the rear carrier mount?
maximum load is for the NT700V

Another source for load/tire info is the lable located on the left swingarm tube.
Just remember several of our NT's had the wrong lable installed and there was a recall to put the correct lable on it.
I would also suggest getting a repair manual, even if you don't intend on doing much maint yourself. It has error codes, valuable info on tupperware removal, etc.

The official load limits for pretty much all motorcycle luggage, are about what the cases would weigh if you filled them with styrofoam peanuts. You hafta just use your judgement, or else have someone follow you to carry your luggage in the car. I figure I can carry as many clothes as I can stuff in there, but it I'm carrying beer, soda, and liquid laundry detergent I'm overloading the cases so I had better shop close by and take it easy while that stuff is in there.
Jeepers! The max weight allowance for the 700 looks like when the wife and I ride double we would have to do so in the nude!
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