russell day long group buy

since I have been watching Russell, they have group or just offer discounts around oct/nov on the web site. that's how I got my 15% last year(oct '13), just watched web site when ADV rider web site was trying to get a group buy, but didn't
may have to pay full price

Husker, I've been lucky both times I've bought a Russell and gotten in on group buys. But, even if I'd had to pay full price, it would have been worth it.
For what it is worth, Right now is a great time to get a ride in apt from Russell. I called last Monday and my apt is for Friday , there were openings on Wed & Thursday as well. .February and March should be ok, and after that chances are it will be a long wait. Although if you can figure out when you can do it give Kim at Russell a call and ask her what is available now and you might get the date you want.
It is that way here also. If we get white stuff in the high country I will go to coast rout !_! which normalliy not snowed on, just a lot of nasty fog and rain. If it gets too bad I will just hold up for a day or two , Or Bjust travel around N CA playing tourist and chasing bonuses for the Big Money Rally.A lot of the lodgings are in off seaon rates at this time except those in happy winter wonderland! That takes the curse off of being out extra nights!coming from Omaha I wout watch the weather and make a mad dash south to KC and possibly to OK and maybe drop down to I= 10 , head west to CA and north on I-5, or old US99 If you get a date to your liking just leave eraly enough to have some extra days if you get through and find yourselfe ahead of schedual.they usurally do ride in's 3 days per week.

If you decide to do a ride-in, head straight south from Omaha. You don't want to try to cut any corners through Colorado yet.
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