SS1000 question for IBA persons

Jun 14, 2012
Richardson, TX
2010 Red NT700
The IBA website says some odometers can be off by as much as 4%.
Do I need to build in an extra 50 odd miles to be safe or will they trust the calculations on a Google maps routing plan?
I have seen some youtube videos where the guys pull over and get a gas receipt almost as soon as they hit 1000
Clay, When I did my SS1K on the NT, when I got back I was showing 1019 miles on the GPS, and 1021 on the odometer. The NT odometer is by far the most accurate of anything I've had. One of the things you need to think about is that some of the mapping programs differ from one another by small amounts. All I ever use any more is Streets and Trips and my GPS and it tend to agree within a couple miles over 1,000.

I've always felt that 20 miles or so is plenty of cushion and all of the rides I've submitted have been approved.
I concur with Phil. When I did my SS1000 last November my odometer and Google Maps were onlt off by about four miles. I believe the odometer showed 1,092 and the Google showed 1,088 MOL. I planned for enough miles to be clearly over 1,000 but not ridiculous. Remeber, your odometer will measure all of the distance you add getting to gas stops, rest areas etc. The mapping program will not. The mapping program governs whether you qualify.

Also, keep it simple. Route changes ahve t be documented, more stops, more time lost. Allow for being tired which can, and will, affect judgement.

GET GAS BEFORE YOU NEED IT. Especially if you will be in west Texas, noted for having miles and miles of miles and miles (no services).

Lastly, it's FUN. The SS1000 was one of my best rides ever.

When I get around to the SS1000, my two route choices are between 1040 and 1070 miles, according to googlemaps
When I did mine, it was put on by the IBA. We all started at the same place and finished at that same place. Right after you checked in you had to go to the start, they took your mileage and sent you on a 3 mile loop they set up to check odometers. This was done the day before the ride, so right then you would know if your odometer was off and by how much. The next morning before the ride started, every ones mileage was taken again and you went on your way. On your return after the ride you went through the check and they took your mileage again and did the math if your odometer was off.

What I liked about doing it this way, you got your certificate, a nice shirt, pins, stickers, key ring and a number plate backer that day.

IBA # 35640
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Saddle Sore. It is the "short" ride in the IBA (Iron Butt Association). Thei web site explains how to do the various rides and what they are. The association is LOOSE group promoting safe long distance riding. No dues, no card, butt you have to complete a 1,000 mile ride in 24 hours to gain entry.
The people who do the ride verifications for the IBA use their own mapping program. It's not S&T or Google, but it's very accurate and very comparable. Just be sure to get a receipt at each "corner" and you'll be fine. The SS is a pretty neat ride with lots of time for rest along the way. It only requires a 42mph average speed, so you don't have to push. But it requires discipline and planning and is a great intro to LD riding. Like Chuck said, it's fun!
I know I have threatened to go a few times in the last few months, and it's probably getting old. I'm threatening again.
Im either going to do the SS1000 or my 1st overnight campout or go to San Antonio to see my kids this weekend
You are discussing it and getting advise and encouragement. Nothing wrong with that. I contemplated mine for over year, had the route in mind for six or seven months. I looked at the weather one Thursday and decided to go for it. It takes some anxiety out to pre-arrange your witnesses. My son witnessed the departure and he and his girl friend were on hand for the finish (at 1:00 AM). I had fun letting family know where I was along the way and getting encouraging text messages from them.
When I rode the SS1000 that the IBA put on, they suggested a two hour rest time some where along your travels for safety.
I've taken as many as two 2-hour rests on a SS1K. On the BB1.5K I did, I even got in bed and slept for 2 1/2 hours.
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