
Not me. I'm guessing you're not seeing any engine codes....
Is that during hot weather? I had that happen to me in CO several years ago. The temps were in the 90s and I had to park my bike in the sun at a restaurant. When I came out, it fired up OK but surged for the first mile or so then went away. If you have similar conditions, you might try opening the gas cap (while stopped!) to let things normalize.
Right now I am working on a broken ankle durations.surge while leaving a stop. Before the surge,bike would kill yesterday at a few stops. No surge until leaving that stop. I had front turned to get onto land and it jumped,well it started tank slap and I could do nothing but hold on, crash and get a ride in white taxi.
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Sorry to hear about the ankle, Miairhead. One thought I had would be to try running some Techron through the engine. I didn't have a "surge," but had noticed that when I opened the throttle all the way the bike felt as if it were misfireing. Part throttle felt normal. Techron has restored it to normal running.
Mine has done some low RPM surge about twice. Both times it was hot (94-97) and I noticed the surging while exiting parking lot at work. I did not start it and let it warm up much at all, maybe 15 sec. It cleared itself out as I left the parking area (within 1/4 mile).
It did make the parking lot with a couple corners and crosswalk interesting, I would pull in the clutch while making slow speed maneuvers.
Mine was a throttle on/off transition area problem.

Mine has always surged from new. With mine, it happens always and entirely predictably from a cold start if I don't let the engine warm up on tickover for long enough - at least three or four minutes here in cold northern U.K.. It is a right nuisance waiting and my bike is very difficult to control if not warmed up properly. I have felt how it could cause an accident and your off could easily have been mine. Sorry to hear you have been hurt. I have not attached any other significance to it because the owners manual says not to move off until the temperature gauge starts to move off cold. Never happened to me once properly warmed up.
The only surge that I have found is at very light coasting throttle.
This shows up when the Consumption readout is showing between 2.7 and 3.1 L/100km.
It is always there when warm/hot, is slight and is not a problem.
I assume that it is caused by a very lean mixture at that point.
I have never felt it when the engine is still warming up as the mixture would be richer then.
Sorry to hear about your fall. Get well soon.

This is results of my surge


  • ankle.jpg
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Ouch! That's ugly. How is it doing now? And how long do they say your recovery will be?

One thing is for sure -- you won't get through TSA checkpoints quickly ever again.

Take care of yourself!
I'll explain what happened
I was pulling out for a stop, being followed by my brother. Since I had just left getting into lane position, my handle bars where slightly turned, I was looking in my rear view mirror, a surge caused me to hold on and try and strieghten out. The handle bars began flopping back and forth and I was holding on making the darn thing accelerate more (totally out of control). Wheeled and hit my shoulder breaking 5 ribs, the NT then took off breaking my ankle. Luckily I was in Logansprot, IN 2 blocks for the hospital, Police where great, as was hospital.
Looks like you'll now need to carry a T25 Torx driver with you in case a screw works loose. Also, the doc failed to countersink the one going into the femur.

Hope you heal quickly!

Looks a lot like my ankle. I "surged out of an airplane". Doc did a nice job. The closures look great and you should heal to as good as new--just do EVERYTHING Doc tells you to do and be patient. Healing takes time. You might want to double up on your Vitamin C. You will be riding again before long.
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