The road to ruin....


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Apr 25, 2013
Western New Mexico (Ramah)
2021 Suzuki 650 VStrom; N
OK. More accurately, a road TO the ruins: Abo Ruins, part of the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument.

With the weather still nice (subject to change with rain forecast for today) I loaded up yesterday for the mountains southeast of Albuquerque. East on I-40 to Tijeras, south on Hwy 337 through Chililli, Tajique, Manzano, then Hwy 55 to Mountainair. (Don't you love these names? After 35 years living in New Mexico, I am starting to feel somewhat confident pronouncing them.) The route continued back home to Albuquerque on Hwy 47 through Belen and Los Lunas.

A few miles southwest of Mountainair off of Hwy 47 is one unit (of three) of the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, the Abo Ruins. The Spaniards rode up the El Camino Real in the early 1600's to colonize what is now southwestern USA. The church friars stayed around to convert the Pueblo tribes to Christianity, building many churches along the way, including this one at Abo. However, the natives revolted in 1680, leaving the churches to go to ruin since then. Artist renditions on display at the monument office show a grand, beautiful edifice was built here over a period of many years, utilizing local rock and mud mortar. It is still very impressive to this day, situated on the prairie lands at the foot of the Sandia Mountains. A great day trip!

Total trip: 183 miles; 2.667 gal., 68.6 mpg.

More info available at:


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Yep - I know how to pronounce "Tah Hee Kee". :smile:

And, what you correctly label as Hwy 337 is still "South 14" to me.

Great ride, Rich. Thanx for sharing. Last year, on my way back from Las Vegas (Nevada, not NM) I went through Albuquerque, then for old times sake, rode down the back side of the Manzano Mountains. (Probably right past Charlie B's house, but didn't know it.)
And I did it on my old Burgman 400 too!

Thanx for sharing.
Nice ride, Yoda and thanks for the pics.

Traveled New Mexico some as a youngster on a family vacation and still remember the experience. Then spent a week in Socorro three different times about 10 years ago for classes at New Mexico Tech / EMRTC and had chance to do some exploring around that area. Was able to spend a couple of half days in Albuquerque before catching flights back home and enjoyed the city - you can be proud of what your hometown has to offer. Would really like to take a motobike trip through the state sometime to take it in up close and personal.
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