Thinking About A Suzuki DL650 "Wee-Strom"


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Dec 12, 2010
Woodstock, Georgia
A while back my wife graciously agreed that I can become a "two" bike owner and I have been looking around for a second bike to complement, not replace, my NT. I have checked out big bore Sport Touring bikes like the GSX1250FA, FJR1300 and ST1300 but I feel they are too close to the NT in purpose / functionality. Cruiser's are also off my list as that just isn't H-D was more than enough to last me this lifetime thank you! :wink:

So I am think a dual sport might be fun as I haven't ridden one of those in a looong time... The last one was a Suzuki TC185 circa 1971 complete with the "dual range" transmission...somehow I always managed to get stuck between the two ranges and had a undocumented "Zero range" option...:rolleyes1:

Anyway the 2011 Suzuki DL650 ABS "Wee-Strom" has caught my eye and I am curious how those of you who own, or have owned one, would compare it to the NT... How does it compare for power, and comfort? I prefer the "sit up and beg" riding position which appeared to work for me sitting on one at the dealership. Since Suzuki has already announced the big changes for the 2012 DL650 the 2011s have already gotten cheaper...less than $7K on eBay. Plus I don't particularly care for the "new" 2012 style...nor do I want to be a first model year "Beta" tester for the new motor...

I am just a few miles from WOW Motorcycles and they have a ton of DL's at any given time so I may go used. Is it "moving up" to the DL1000 worth it? I know Katherine had a DL1000 and it was a chain / sprocket eater...any other known issues if I go that route?

Thanks for any info / suggestions...
A while back my wife graciously agreed that I can become a "two" bike owner and I have been looking around for a second bike to complement, not replace, my NT. I have checked out big bore Sport Touring bikes like the GSX1250FA, FJR1300 and ST1300 but I feel they are too close to the NT in purpose / functionality. Cruiser's are also off my list as that just isn't H-D was more than enough to last me this lifetime thank you! :wink:

So I am think a dual sport might be fun as I haven't ridden one of those in a looong time... The last one was a Suzuki TC185 circa 1971 complete with the "dual range" transmission...somehow I always managed to get stuck between the two ranges and had a undocumented "Zero range" option...:rolleyes1:

Anyway the 2011 Suzuki DL650 ABS "Wee-Strom" has caught my eye and I am curious how those of you who own, or have owned one, would compare it to the NT... How does it compare for power, and comfort? I prefer the "sit up and beg" riding position which appeared to work for me sitting on one at the dealership. Since Suzuki has already announced the big changes for the 2012 DL650 the 2011s have already gotten cheaper...less than $7K on eBay. Plus I don't particularly care for the "new" 2012 style...nor do I want to be a first model year "Beta" tester for the new motor...

I am just a few miles from WOW Motorcycles and they have a ton of DL's at any given time so I may go used. Is it "moving up" to the DL1000 worth it? I know Katherine had a DL1000 and it was a chain / sprocket eater...any other known issues if I go that route?

Thanks for any info / suggestions...

I have not owned a V-Strom but I was going to buy one before the NT came along. It seems to me they are to similar to have one of each. If I were looking for something to complement the NT that was more off road worthy I would get a KLR650.
The Wee Strom is a great traveler Wayne, but with its exposed oil filter, oil cooler and exhaust you have to be VERY careful off road . Even with good armor these bikes aren't offroaders, I believe they were designed more for poor pavement, gravel and easy fireroads.
I've never seen one in the woods of Michigan, but there are many KLRs ridden here. :smile:
After I'd had the DL1000 for a couple years and gotten very comfy on it, I rode a borrowed DL650 for 5000 miles through Europe, with a group from the V-Strom forum that had a mix of the two sizes. The guy who loaned it to me, owned both sizes. The seats are interchangeable but the stock seat on the DL650 has a couple inches cut out of the foam. We put the DL1000 seat on the DL650, for me. With just that seat change, the ergonomics of the two bikes became identical.

At normal, legal-type speeds, the DL650 accelerated fine; it kept up with the DL1000s with no problem; I didn't feel underpowered. The only time I missed the power the DL1000 had in reserve, was when the group leader turned into a complete speed fiend in Albania. I pretty much tapped the DL650 out, trying to keep him in sight.

The DL650 drank less fuel then the DL1000s in the group, on the tanks where the speeds were lower, like when we were in the backroads. On the Autobahns, it drank about the same as the DL1000s. I have no idea what that mileage was, though, because I was always buying fuel in liters or UK gallons, and struggling just to figure out how to pay for it, with the currencies and languages. :) I can tell you my DL1000 tended to get around 41mpg here in the USA.

The only complaint I had about the DL650 was that the front end made this strange clunking noise whenever I braked hard enough for the front end to dive a little. The bike's owner was oblivious to it. I later found out the cause, and it is stupid and minor: The gas tanks lift at the rear, and pivot on a bolt in the front. That pivot has some slop in it, so when you brake hard, the tank shifts forward and makes that noise. You can fix it by shimming the pivot.

The DL650 is supposed to be pretty much bulletproof, mechanically.

If the NT hadn't come along and offered me a shaft drive option in a more moderate size, I would have replaced my DL1000 with a DL650. It had everything I liked about the DL1000 and apart from the chain it had none of the issues.
I thought I'd copy this from another post of mine as it is related....

1. I traded my '06 DL650 in on the NT700V and in many ways regret it. I've had to make my mind up to love the NT for what it is and not what it isn't. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the bike and have a ton of fun on it, love the cargo storage and weather protection etc. My first disappointment was the first time I road early morning in the dark to work, after being use to the twin lamps of the Vstrom that light the road just short of what a train does :p...really, no need for addition lighting there. I notice more brake noise where the Vstrom made none, that may be just the grade of pads. I'm hoping to find that out soon when I replace the originals. I still don't like the clatter a shaft drive makes at certain loads or lack thereof, but that I learn to live with in exchange for the chain maintenance. The big one though was the down grade in power. The NT700 "seems" to "come on" from about 5k to about 7-1/2k where as the DL650 "does" "come on" from about 5-1/2k to 10k before dropping off. I hate to say it but the NT700 wouldn't touch the DL650. I guess I've grown to appreciate the NT but miss my DL "Wee" I'll add that I get about mid 50's mpg with the NT700 I seem to have to refill around 225 miles, The DL650, a little better and could "squeeze" 300 miles out of (wouldn't want to do that again) The DL is easily just as quiet of a bike. It wasn't too much trouble getting the DL650 to 130 mph, the NT, I gave up at 112 mph. There wasn't much more there.

one more thing about the headlight... just ask any Vstrom owner how he or she likes those twin lights.... :)
You can't get much better than the DL650 for the amount of money. I get about 55mpg with normal local riding. On the freeway with the Givi bags I get about 42 mpg. Go with the Wee DL650. If you realy want a dualsport go with the KLR650. Another great bike for the money.
Thank you for the responses. I am going to head down to WOW Motorcycles to check out their used inventory later today...
My wife has an NT and have a second...among other bikes between the two of us....

I WOULD NOT own a WEE and an NT...except for the chain vs. shaft...they are virtually the same.

The WEE may be an "adventure tourer", but your adventures had best be mostly on pavement.

I love the's my second and I will be selling it soon to get the new 2012 version.

But if I were going to have two bikes I would not have two so similiar as the WEE and the NT.

Just my will end up riding one because you like it more and the other will sit in the garage.

Rob Ray
Hey Wayne... just a thought, but would you be interested in a TDM?
Wouldn't the addition of an V-Strom to a NT be adding another bike from the same segment? I realize the V-Strom isn't touted as a tourer, Suzuki claims it's a "dual-purpose", but it's really a road bike.

To me, the V-Strom would like to be an NT when it grows up.

If my wife gave ME the ok, I'd be looking at a Honda CBR250R (or 600r) or a Kawasaki KLR or a Triumph Bonneville. I passed on the V-Strom to get NT.

Just my .02
I've only ridden a Wee for about 30 miles and I hadn't had the NT for much more than a month when I did it. I swapped bikes on a ride with my buddy who's had his Wee for about three years. We rode only on pavement (not real great pavement, but pavement) and both were amazed at how much the two bikes felt alike. The Wee had some, but not much advantage in apparent power, riding positions were very similar, suspension and handling felt very similar. Even the difference between 5- and 6-speed transmissions didn't feel that significant.

I'm thinking that if I had permission for another bike, I'd probably get something like the CBR-250. But if I had longer and stronger legs, I'd be buying a KLR. Especially after seeing Chuck Henderson's pictures of places he's ridden his.
Aw, come on guys, How many bikes is enough?..............One more than you already have. The KLR seat needs to be replaced with an after-market seat. Once you have an after-market seat you can ride the KLR across the country in most conditions. You just won't do 900 mile days. We did 220 miles on our ride coming home and put in 4 gal of gas. The tank holds just about 5.2 gal. Could have gotten over 300 miles on that tank. Avg for that tank of gas was 63.3 mpg. Not bad for an old beater. 100 miles of that was dirt roads and trails.

My Wee is my Colorado bike. With so many county roads that are paved and then end and continue as a dirt road the Wee is perfect for that. One could, if they chose, ride their NT on these dirt roads. I choose not to as I really don't want the rock chips in the paint. The NT makes a great in-state overnighter touring bike, and handles the curves quite well. Also so it is great riding down town Denver to do some shopping. My ST is my "Make the Miles Fast and GO LONG and FAR bike.

I really do need to get down to three bikes, but cannot decide which one to sell.

I recommend that you get a KLR to supplement the NT. However you need to decide what type of riding you want to do.
I looked at WOW this morning and they do have a batch of DL's, both 650s and 1000s, and one over priced IMHO ($7,960.00+TTL) Silver non-ABS NT, sitting on the floor. And as usual they did not want to budge on price. :rolleyes: The price they are asking for used DL650, with TTL added, is within about a $1,000 of what I can do new on eBay...:doh1: I have been visiting WOW for years but always find a better deal somewhere else, at least on bikes. They do have the best riding gear selection around here though. :smile:

For the type of riding I am looking at doing, gravel and Forest Service roads or Colorado riding as Chuck called it, the KLR, DR, and XR are all those feel a tad too tall for me. I am looking at 80% street riding probably...

The good news is I'm not in any hurry so I can sit back, research and watch all while getting some good advice and suggestions from y'all...:D
Wayne, the KLR at least is easily lowered if it feels too tall. 2 rear suspension links and move the forks up in the tree 1". Just a take off and replace at the rear. Takes less then 1 hour of time. Cost - under $100 for the links. Oh, take 1" out of the side stand as well.
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