This Seemed Weird...

Phil Tarman

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Dec 12, 2010
Greeley, CO
2010 Silver NT700VA (ABS)
I actually got the bike out and rode a tiny bit yesterday. The weird thing was that my right fairing pocket lid wasn't there. The last time I had ridden I was a few weeks ago on Sunday afternoon. It had been getting dark when I got home and I had strong wind the last 7-8 miles to the house. I had parked the bike in the garage, taken off my helmet and gloves, taken my thermos out of the trunk, put my ear plugs back in their little bottle in the tank bag and don't remember noticing anything wrong.

So when I pulled the bike out yesterday and the lid was gone, my first thought was that someone had come into the garage and taken it. But since "they" had left the GPS on the bike, my flashlight and tire gauge in the fairing pocket, my guess is that it must have come off as I was riding that night. It just seems almost impossible for me not to have noticed it missing as I rode.

Bike Bandit has one on the way. Any one else lost a fairing pocket lid?
They come off with a good yank, at the right angle. Maybe you didn't have it closed far enough to latch, and the wind was able to pick it up to that angle and yank it off.
That must be what happened. I did have that lid blow off once, but it hit me in the chest and I caught it. I'm just surprised I didn't notice its departure or that it was missing. It wasn't that dark when I got home.
I've had mine lift from the wind when I didn't latch it well. But it didn't blow off.

I did lose one once (in my shop) when I had the bike all apart. It was easier to find than yours would be though.
You lean something new all the time on this forum. I would never have suspected that these lids could get blown off.
I took my good stuff out of the pocket and stuck it all in the tank bag, but I noticed today (while riding in very windy conditions that the string on my sidestand support plate never moved.
Yep, lost mine on the highway too. Lifted it up to get something and it just popped right off and was gone.

But, I got used to having just an open pocket. It was handy for all kinds of stuff I wanted to be able to get to while riding. I finally put the new one on there when I was selling the bike.
And the weirdness continues...

The post office delivered my fairing pocket three weeks ago. Neither my wife or I ever saw it. I'd gotten home at about 7 and she'd been about 15 minutes behind me. On Friday, I talked to the post office and the guy I talked to me told me that they'd set the box on the ground just north of my porch. We looked again, but no box.

The wind had been blowing about 40mph that day and gusting to close to 50, so we looked down the street and didn't see anything in anybody's bushes.

I ordered a 2nd fairing pocket cover and it came last Friday. Another $20+ but at least I had a fairing pocket.

Then last night, after my ride, I talked to Joanne and she told me that one of our neighbors had brought a box to the door yesterday afternoon. The lady said that she'd seen this box in one of her bushes and kept thinking she ought to go get it, but she just figured it was an empty box.

It wasn't. Does anybody want/need a right fairing pocket lid? If not, I'll send it back to Bike Bandit and get my money. I'll just be out the extra shipping.
I don't want that one - it will blow away.
But as soon as you send it back, Murphy will abscond with someones lid. And if you keep it Murphy will abscond with the left one. You do know that don't you.
Yeah, that's what I figure. Joanne suggested I hang on to it till somebody on the Forum needs it, but I agree with you -- as long as I have that one, no one on the Forum will need anything but a left one. :-(
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