Three Day Ride through Colorado

Jan 6, 2011
Aurora, Colorado
19 Versys 1K SE, 14 FJR
Day One

Day One

So I headed out on my three day two night ride today. The goal was to ride the back way to Woodland park then up to Cripple Creek, SAM_3133.jpg SAM_3137.jpg down just west of Canon City SAM_3138.jpg and run west on hiway 50 along the Arkansas River to a small hamlet called Coaldale. I was to put eyes on and inspect a DR650 for a Texas riding buddy of mine. We are planning to ride the Continental Divide Trail from northern Colorado to Deming NM. Took me about 4 hours to get to Coaldale. Population 327 or so. From there I rode over Monarch Pass (11312ft) SAM_3148.jpg and then on to Gunnison. Turn south onto 149 thru Lake City SAM_3151.jpg and on over Slumgullion Pass (11351 ft) SAM_3152.jpg SAM_3154.jpg and then over Spring Creek Pass SAM_3156.jpg SAM_3159.jpg (10901ft) to the town of Creede. SAM_3163.jpg Interesting little town. SAM_3167.jpg I was running behind schedule so I did not get a chance to explore the town. One interesting note is their fire rescue station is inside of an old mine, cut into te rock of the mountain, that Creede is nestled up to. On from Creede to South Fork and then Hiway 160 over Wolf Creek Pass.(10880ft) SAM_3169.jpg There were some other passes that I went over that were just above the 10kft level, but I don’t remember the names. Then onto Pagosa Springs were I am spending the night in a little motel with character, (read cheap ). SAM_3171.jpg Total time for today was 11.5 hours to include time looking at the DR. Total miles for today was 430. Follow my spot. Of course here are some pictures of today. So ends day one.
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Day Two. .........(click on the thumb nails)

I am sitting in the motel room at Delta, Colorado, going through the pictures I took today. I am trying to pick out the few that represent today’s travels but I am interrupted my the rain beating on the window of the hotel room. *Not to worry I did not get wet, as most of the day was beautiful blue skies and warm ,almost hot below 6000 ft, and cool to almost cold from 6000 to 11000 ft today.

I left out of Pagosa Springs about 07:00 and did a quick stop at Mickey Dee’s for breakfast. *Then headed out along route 160 to Durango. The ride was pretty but uneventful and the work day traffic was beginning to get heavy. Not a lot of time to be rubber necking the scenery,SAM_3174.jpg as I had to have eyes on the road. Was thinking about taking 550 (Million Dollar Hiway north from Durango to Ouray and then onto Ridgway and over to Placerville to pickup the north end of hiway 145 and then 141. However the skies over 550, looking up to Silverton, were just black with rain so I continued west on 160 to 184 where it meets up with the south end of 145 and on to Dolores. Used to be a great German Mom and Pop Restaurant in Dolores that I have had a few great bratwurst and a beer or two in the past years. It has been closed for at least 4 years now that I know of and, as I rode by today, looking at the building , it is in much disrepair. O well, time moves on.

Beautiful ride up along the river on 145 until you get to Rico,SAM_3177.jpg then it starts to really climb up as we are approaching Lizard Head Pass (10222ft).SAM_3183.jpg SAM_3186.jpg SAM_3188.jpg There is a lake at the top called Trout Lake and a National Forrest access road that goes around the north side of the lake into the back country. SAM_3193.jpg I believe that this dirt road once was a mining rail road bed. As when I rode back to explore it I found an old locomotive watering tower SAM_3196.jpg and further back in the forest a old rail road truss bridge. SAM_3199.jpg. Boy *sure wish I had my DR to go further back and up in those mountains, but that is not what this ride is about. Maybe next summer.SAM_3202.jpg

On up 141 along the Dolores River. Again more wonderful twist and turns that the Wee was more than happy to negotiate. *The route is not to far from the Utah state line and the landscape is reminisce of the Utah Canyon lands. *How ever as the elevation drops down under 5000 ft the temperatures go up accordingly. SAM_3214.jpg Almost to a very uncomfortable heat. SAM_3215.jpg I was glad to get back to some elevation when I headed up over Grand Mesa. *141 takes me across 550 and I jumped on to I-70 east bound for about 15 miles to get to the Grand Mesa exit.
Just a not of caution: If you are going to ride the length of 141, ether north or to the south (110 miles)make sure you have enough gas left to do at least 60 miles. There is one gas station and country store at Gateway, which is the *halfway point. Today’s price for a gallon of reg. gas was $3.96. And a bottle of water was 2 bucks. I had a full gas tank but I ran out of water so I had to stop and refill my water supply. Don’t want to be stuck out there with no water.

On top of the Mesa it look as if I was going to get wet as there were some good size dark rain clouds. I was beginning to second guess my decision to try and get over Grand Mesa before today’s end. Maybe I should have just spent the evening Clifton, just east of Grand Junction. *Too late now I was committed as I climbed into the coolness of the Grand Mesa national forest * SAM_3220.jpg Topped the Mesa at 10800ft and was a bit chilly as I did not have my liner in my jacket.SAM_3221.jpg As I rolled down the other side of the Mesa toward Cedaredge the cloud seemed to disperse and let the sun warm me up again. SAM_3222.jpg It was getting on 4:30 pm and I had just turned over another 400 miles for the day. *Eight and a half hours in the saddle for today and I was a bit tired. I chose to take refuge for the night in the Town of Delta and get me a good night rest.

Tomorrow I will be heading home via , Kebler Pass (which is dirt)(hope it is dry) to Crested Butte, on to Almont. Then over the Taylor Reservoir and up the dirt road , backside of Cottonwood Pass. Down the paved side into Buena Vista. North on hiway 24 to Red Cliff and then a dirt road east to Vail Pass. I will jump on I-70 east and if time permits I will ride over Loveland Pass and by pass the Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel. Then across Denver traffic to home.
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Thanks for taking us along again, Been raining a lot here listening to some John Mayall...Blues
Day Three

I woke up to the sun peaking over the mountain to the east of the town of Delta. Not a cloud in the sky and the air had been washed the night before with the thunder storms that rolled through. As I eat my breakfast I keep looking out the window watching the sky turn from a night time gray to the most beautiful blue one can imagine. Today had the promise of being one of those story book chambers of commerce Colorado days. I was packed and on the road by 0630am. It really does pay to be up and out riding very early in the morning.

Today was the last day of my three day loop through Colorado, and it had the promise of being the best. Don’t get me wrong, any day riding in the high country of Colorado is great, but some days things just seem to come together to make that day magnificent. Such was today. As I said in my previous post, my first goal of today was to ride hiway 133 past Paonia SAM_3224.jpg SAM_3225.jpg and take county road 12 over Kebler Pass (9980ft). This county road is dirt and gravel, and is very easy and smooth when dry.SAM_3227.jpg SAM_3229.jpg If can get a bit muddy and very slippery when it is wet or raining. Not fun. Today the road was damp and in spots it had its share of mud. Just wet enough that the tires and weight of the bike would squeeze the water out of the wheel tracks. The mud was only an issue where the gravel was a bit thin. The county road crews had been up there dropping/spreading a lot of gravel on the road as to minimize the slippery muddy conditions. SAM_3232.jpg One of the view days I look forward to more gravel. Remember, Colorado has had a nice wet spring with a massive amount of snow melt/run off, here in the last couple of weeks. SAM_3231.jpg This route is about 30 something miles long and runs through some beautiful Aspen groves. I love the early morning sun peeking through the Aspen trees. SAM_3235.jpgThe early season Aspen leaves are just a beautiful light, glistening, green as they are bathed by the rising sunlight. SAM_3234.jpg It is difficult for me to explain the feelings of being alive and very content up here. SAM_3236.jpg Word just can’t describe the natural beauty. You really are just going to have to go see for yourself.

As I said Kebler Pass spits you out at the back side of Crested Butte (elevation 8908ft). Great little town that lies in the shadow of Mt. Emmons (12392ft).SAM_3242.jpg Full of art galleries, Fu Fu coffee Shops, and lots of young pretty girls. Compared to me all the girls are young, but I digress. I decide to stop and warm up a bit in the morning sun as the crossing of Kebler was a bit chilly. Found me a coffee shop and paid too much for a cup of coffee. Sat outside the shop and struck up a conversation with one of those young girls. Found out that the Pass had only been opened for travel the day before.

Well it was time to go, so I made a loop around town, looking at some of the sights and then headed down hiway 135. Big wide smooth road.SAM_3243.jpg I remember the last time I rode into Crested Butte, 20 years ago, this road was just a little rough narrow two lane. I guess that is progress. Had to find the Jacks Cabin turn off, forest service road 813 SAM_3245.jpg which cuts over to Forrest service road 742 going up the Taylor river to Tayler Reservoir. Well there is nothing very forest service about this road 742 anymore. Used to be dirt the first time I rode it back in the early 90’s. Today it is a beautiful paved narrow two lane with orgasmic twistys and curves. SAM_3253.jpg The Wee was just screaming with ecstasy as we traversed the corners. I really needed to slow down as the views along the rushing river were diverting my attention from the road. SAM_3255.jpg Had I had the time I would have run that stretch of road back and forth two or three times. But onward. My next goal was to find the back side of Cottonwood Pass and head up over the dirt road to the summit.

Got to Tayler Park Reservoir SAM_3257.jpgwithout crashing and let the GPS help find County Road 209 which winds its way up the west/backside of Cottonwood Pass. However there is a little town about 6 mile south of the reservoir called Tin Cup. Haven’t been there since by BMW GS days 18 years ago. Rode down to Tin Cup for a picture SAM_3258.jpgand found that Tin Cup has not changed a bit in the last 20 years, So back to Taylor Park Reservoir. This area has become the playground for the ATV groups. Most of the campers and ATV folks drive up over Cotton Wood from the east side and down the west/dirt side. SAM_3260.jpgOne has to be very careful riding up the west side of the pass, as it will be likely the a meeting of a large pickup pulling a 30+ft camping trailer, with a couple ATVs hanging off of it. They will be barreling down just around the bend. Gotta stay to the right as much as possible. Of course there are no guard rails. SAM_3261.jpg

Onward and upward. The climb up to the summit of Cottonwood (Pass 12126ft) went without incident. SAM_3264.jpg Again a wonderful ride. I don’t think there is a bad ride any were west of I-25 except for Down Town Denver. Got to the top and just enjoyed the majestic SAM_3266.jpg SAM_3268.jpg views and got a couple more pictures of myself in front of the summit sign.SAM_3265.jpg The paved road down the east side is smooth and full of twists and turns and is a joy to ride on a light bike like the WeeSTrom. Being that it was during the week and relatively early in the day, not too much traffic and only two cares in front of me. They pulled over and let me by. SAM_3271.jpg These kinds of roads and rides are more fun than the roller coasters at Six Flags. And a lot prettier views. Got down to the bottom and took a county road 361 which by passed Buena Vista to the west and spits out onto State Hiway 24. One to Leadville for lunch at the Golden Burro. SAM_3272.jpg
The Golden Burro is one of the town’s favorite eating establishments, and I have been stopping there for years, when I travel through Leadville. But because of its popularity, it is becoming a bit commercialized and more crowded. But then again, so is the entire State of Colorado west of I-25 Interstate.

My master route was to ride out hiway 91 over Freemont pass (11318ft) and it the interstate I-70 east, and then up over Loveland Pass. But I chose to go 24 to Red Cliff and get just a bit more dirt riding in. At Red Cliff there is a short cut that goes around the back side of Battle Mountain and misses the climb up and over Vail Pass on the freeway. This short cut is FS roads 708,709,712. SAM_3273.jpg I traverse this road a couple of years ago. It goes over Shrine Pass(11089ft) and comes out on the east side of Vail Pass and has a magnificent view of I-70 snaking its way through the mountains. So off I went. Got back about two miles and there is a gate that was not there before, and signs saying no vehicular entry, old military training area. Also it said that hikers were to leave stray ammunition alone, if found. I guess the 10th Mountain Division use to train in that area during the WWII years, and some hiker found some old ordnance. I am just guessing on this, will have to research the how’s and whys. Bummer. Had to retrace my tracks SAM_3275.jpgand head north on 24 to Minturn and hit the Freeway for the ride over Vail Pass and the Eisenhower Tunnel on I-70. Because of this delay I did not have time to ride over[URL=""] Loveland Pass[/URL] on old hiway 6. That is OK because I will get a chance for that on Saturday’s ride to eat in Dillon. SAM_3277.jpg
So on the Freeway, I am and headed home. My Three Day Colorado loop is coming to an end. I would be remiss if I did not say I was a bit sadden that this ride was at it’s end. However I live here and this is all in my back yard. I will just start doing more overnight rides instead of just day rides.

Total mileage for the Day was about 350 miles and total mileage for the Three Days was 1182 miles. I believe this route took in most of the type of scenery and riding condition that Colorado has to offer. The route can be modified slightly, to bypass the dirt and stay on pavement, However the WeeSTrom type adventure bike is the kind of bike to tour the High Country. And if you really want to get into the Back Country , a Dual Sport ie; KLR, DR650, or smaller dirt bike, etc. is the bike to ride.
Had a great time, can’t wait to GO RIDE again.
Me too -- really like them big hills out there .. nice rides - thanks ..
Just want to bump this back up to the top for those who might be interested in a good route thru Colorado. The dirt sections can be modified for the pavement only bikes.
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