Watched someone crash today


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Dec 13, 2010
Hampden, MA
2010 Silver NT700VAA
Was to meet someone yesterday and got disoriented for about an hour or so. Thought that a revisit to the area was in order. You should be familiar with your own back yard, right.

took a different route there of course and thought that the trip home would be the way I had thought to go yesterday the key turned out to be Rt 31.

Riding down Rt. 171 East I am thinking what a jewel this is for folks in New England a bit narrow and tight even by local standards but good asphalt good markings and gorgeous and quick if not fast with the short sight lines and all.

I lean into a RH sweeper and some bikes come by the other way and I tuck my knees and get a hand out the turn shifts left and a vista opens with more bikes coming with about the seventh guy popping the guard rail and then going off into a front yard. There is a cluster of houses around the corner, a brook maybe? Pulled over in the driveway across the street the car behind me goes to the next left the two bikes behind the fellow that crashed pull in. During the time that I am there a couple of the guys in front come back to see where they are.

When I got off the bike and back to him he was up and looking at his bike. Lent a hand pulling it out of the flower garden he had torn up. Front brakes leaking bars a bit loose. No helmet gloves or jacket just long jeans and work boots. He gonna be hurtin tomorrow. No more pain than if he had had the right gear.

From my view he just gave up on the corner. Followed his buddies in and didn't do what they did and never made it. The bike had it in it. He didn't. Thanks he wasn't hurt any more than he was. The dog chained in the front yard still barking. I departed when he and the bike where both upright and back on pavement. No words exchanged other than let me help you pull this out.

Let me make this clear I don't see myself as some expert that can beat Kenny Roberts in a duel. I see myself as a 4 out of ten with normal mortal hackers the pros are 11+. The last two summers have been riders ED. that I haven't failed yet. I remember a Boss once told told me, "Any landing I walk away from is a good one. If the Army can use the aircraft again it is a great on."

MAC thanks for the guided tour to:

I won't be late next time...

Don't give up, it keeps getting better.
Sorry about the crash. Glad the rider was not seriously hurt and hope watching it doesn't make you lose focus.
We had a co-worker get hit by a deer a week ago. He is OK but a lot of rash. 56 stiches and time off work. His helmet shows a lot of scars, he did good to have it on.
I lost focus yesterday and ran a stop sign. I realized it but too late. Lucky for me no one was coming.

Always stay in the game.

Karl, the only wreck I have had (not counting my drops, which have not been wrecks. I either was not moving at all, or I was moving at 1-3 mph while getting started from a stop) I've had met your description of the one you just saw. I gave up on the bike. It had more lean and more traction than I used. I tried to slow down when what I should have done was lean more. I had ridden the turn at speeds of 20-25 mph higher than the speed at which I crashed. It was night and I had not ridden the curve at night before.

But very often I think, from what I hear and see, crashes happen when people give up and straighten up rather than continuing to try to make the curve.

Kind of a strange thing to see, I'll bet.
This was a group going the other way I don't know from Adam. Had EMT training going thru my head and he got up and was walking around. It could have been much worse. Glad it wasn't.
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