Water pump, thermostat & fan


For no real, valid reason I tend to be a little *retentive* about these kind of things: I was riding home rather late Wed. night and stopped at a fast food drive-thru near home for a snack for when I got there. It took a couple minutes and by the time I was back on my way the temp gauge was about one indicator thickness above the 1/2 way mark ... where the fan kicks on. Ambient was about 65 degrees or so.

It was a solid 1/2 mile @ 50mph & 3.5K rpm before the temp. indicator made any significant downward travel. Fully another 2 1/2 miles before the gauge 'bottomed out' at just over the 1/4 mark. That's well over 3 minutes at just under half of engine red-line to dissipate all the excess heat from a 2 minute idle and stabilize for it's current operating conditions.

Is the water pump on the NT a wimp? I'm not a designer or engineer, but I know that pumps rob engine power, however, I think that a little bigger pump and then using the thermostat to regulate engine temp would be better.

All that said, I believe Honda designs and builds some of the best engines in the world. That's why the NT and a V-6 Accord are in my garage right now.

The thermostat of course does regulate the temperature in combination with the water pump circulating the coolant.

What you describe is "normal" behaviour and is probably more to do with the flow rate of the coolant (which is more restricted by the thermostat than the water pump) than any other single feature.

I believe Honda engineer the cooling system to be most efficient during "normal" use which in the NT's case is touring

My riding is mostyly SE TX with temps like Rick sees and 90 percent humidity. Temp gauge acts like you and Rick describe. Seems pretty normal to me. Engine nowhere near over heating.
What you describe, sounds to me like the cooling system is working. That's what the fan is for. :) It's not a problem to use it.

Also, the Deauville gets used in a lot more crowded conditions more often than most us generally use it in. If the cooling system was inadequate, the UK forum would be full of chatter about that. I haven't seen anything like that over there.
All normal range no excess other than the heat (that you paid good money for at the pump) that was shed.
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