Wheel Weights


So...my new tires finally came in yesterday so I mounted and balanced them. When I took the old tires off, the rear wheel had no weights on it and the front had one of the center rib clip-on weights, probably no more than 20 grams. When I balanced them, I had to put about 3.5 oz. on the rear, and about 1.5 on the front to get a good static balance. Seems like a lot to me. Thoughts? Also, anyone know where to get the weights that clip on to the center rib, I hate the stick on ones, especially the zinc type (I don't think you can get lead weights in CA) but that's all I have.
The weights you can get from Honda. I have purchased an assortment to give me the correct balance easily.
I like them better than the stick ons also. Easier and re-usable.

When balancing a tire / wheel that seems to need too much weight I break it loose and shift the tire 45 degrees and then recheck the balance. Keep shifting the tire on the rim until you find the place that requires the least weight. That trick has helped me avoid using a lot of wheel weights several times... For the clip on weights I'd try a local motorcycle shop / tire dealer or you can go to American Motorcycle Tire.
Took all the weights off and started over today and managed to get both wheels balanced with less weight. I guess I was just tired last night :) Gave it a test ride and it was smooooth! New tires are awesome.
Especially true given where one typically comes from (mostly bald and in my case on the last two rears, chords showing).

Yes, the rear was down to the cords and the front was worn and cupped. I went with BT-023's which I hope will last a little longer.
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