

Mar 29, 2016
2010 Red NT700
433 miles, 9 hours on the bike, 12 hours overall including a long lunch at my brother's house midway.
Too long. Everything hurt. Even after I went to bed, I couldn't sleep because of the lingering hip pain.
a "throttle rocker" is a useful device, but it's tricky to get it in the right place for both 60mph and 70mph cruising.

This was the return trip from a similar distance a week earlier, but spread over two days. On the outbound trip, I learned that wind noise is a real problem after 5 hours, and I found some better ear plugs in the gun section at Dick's. They had purple ones, orange ones, and some in the French tricolor. The French ones have the highest noise reduction rating, and it matters.

I also learned that the height of the windscreen seems to affect gas mileage, but speed affects it much more. I averaged 60mpg (measured) on the outbound trip, a little less on the return with a higher windscreen and (probably) a higher average speed. 70mpg indicated was wildly optimistic. Any idea how to adjust that?

This makes about 900 miles on a mushroom-plugged rear tire (and then with Ride-On add afterward because the plug was slowly leaking), in pretty warm temperatures ~90F at speeds of 50-70mph.

I only had someone trying to kill me once or thrice. Once by overtaking in the oncoming lane with marginal range and at too high a speed. If the road is posted at 55 mph, the dashed centerline is providing guidance for overtaking safely presuming that you are overtaking someone traveling much slower than 55. If you are trying to overtake someone driving at 60 mph, and you're doing 80+, you run out of roadway in a hurry. Another was, you knew it, texting and driving and couldn't stay in her lane. I'm just guessing there must have been one more.

Crossed paths with a doe and two fawns. They're cute when they're not running in front of you. Fortunately I saw them in plenty of time to be hard on the brakes. Also saw a pheasant by the roadside. Last time I saw pheasant it was my dad bringing home roadkill for dinner.
I just completed the longest two day ride on my NT I bought last November. 290 miles on day one, and 230 on day two. I credit the bar risers, Corbin saddle, and the VStream windshield. The trip was on Skyline Drive and all secondary roads on the way back to Pa. I have owned 14 motorcycles, I love the NT!!!! BB
BB, I got one of the National Cycles VStream windshields, and after riding it on a couple of 100-mile roundtrips, I think it's the best windshield I've had. Seems like less noise and buffeting to me compared to the CeeBailey +4 I've had in the past.
I dont use ear plugs on the NT but I do on my Suzuki as it only has a Bikini Screen.
Other than the 125mm taller/50mm wider Custom Screen on the NT it is "position" standard.
Standard seat/pegs/bars and everything else.
I find it comfortable enough to go quite long periods in the saddle.
I have gone 4 1/2 hours without putting a foot down several times and only had a bit of a "numb bum" which was fine after a five minute break.
4 1/2 hours is about the limit as I then need fuel (about 400km) and a coffee/p..s break.

I had my VStream windshield in the lowest position during the 520 mile journey. My Scorpion 1100 helmet has inflatable cheek bladders to hug your face. I had no wind buffeting and the noise was minimal, in fact I left my face shield open one notch most of the time. I'm 5'9" with an average build, so I look about 3-4" over the windshield in it's lowest position. This was the first ride I used a beaded saddle cover to let a little air through, standing at slow speed for about 30 seconds once in a while also cools the bum! BB
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I had great luck with the Laminar Lip added to the stock shield. I am 5'6" and ran the shield in position 3 as I recall. This had me looking over and with the Lip there was little to no buffeting. The Lips are $75 MOL and no tools are required to install. If you go to the Laminar Lip site, the NT pictured is my bike. I liked it so much I am seriously considering one for my "new" Gold Wing.
Hmmm..... Just completed a 23 day, 6010 mile ride out west with camping gear and necessary stuff loaded. A couple of those days ended in 7 or 8 hrs and over 400 mile days. My bike has no modifications other than a Vista Cruise throttle lock and I totally enjoyed every minute. After 58K miles on the NT I have found several ways to change positions and can move enough to keep things circulating. Have found running 2 lane roads brings you into small towns where I will stand on the pegs at slow speed which makes longer distances much easier without stopping.
2016-06-16 19.02.57.jpg
I rode out to Kansas City last week. It's about 1200 miles. Wednesday was beautiful. Set the cruise for 75 and rolled. Thursday was OK until I hit St Louis, where I encountered a frog strangler. It rained halfway across Missouri. Gotta say, I do like that cruise control, it makes long days on the slab tolerable. The trip was to collect a new Transit van. It'll be converted to be my dirtbike hauler. This time, it hauled the NT.

Here it is at its birthplace.

Replacing this. This was at a campground in Moab.

George, I agree 110% about the cruise control. It's a tossup between it and the Russell as to which are my two favorite farkles.

The Transit looks like a great hauler. Enjoy.
I'm going to remove the risers and see how that works - should get me down below the windscreen easier. I'm more accustomed to the lower position anyway. I also got a Windjammer in the mail after my trip, but haven't wanted to install it now that the weather is so warm.
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