Over Pants

Aug 7, 2013
Otsego, MI
'10 NT 84 BMW R100RT Ural
Since October the only motorcycle gear I been able to use is my overpants. When is 10 with a 15+ wind, the overpants have really made the hour or more of using my Kubota to push the f#$% white stuff. I have not use these before to keep warm other then on the motorcycle. At least I get to use some gear, I sure there will never be a warm day in Michigan ever again. The news is making a big deal of making 32 degrees for one day next week. Since I have a half mile of gravel before a paved road, I think the Ural will have to get out (it an old one with only a kick start- I sure I would have a heart attach before I could get it to start). Maybe sell the NT, R100Rt, the old Ural and get a 2 wheel drive Ural so I could at least attach a plow and use it.
I feel your pain. Supposed to get clear up to 30 Wednesday over here in Mn. Trend does look to a bit of a warm up from what we have been having here.
Used the new gloves to rake snow off the roof. I know they are warm when you are working. This was the base for the last 18 inches we got.

can't even see the wood that I cut before it snowed...I do choose to live here, where there is enough water to sustain life.
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