2013 Pre-National Rally Rally (PNRR) in Colorado

LOL, Rocky you let the cat out of the bag. I wasn't saying anything but I am definitely coming anything the group wants to do as far as eating is fine with me. probably a good idea to have a back up plan just in case the fish don't want to cooperate and contribute to the menu.

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Greg, Have I got a deal for you! I'm going from the campground to Montrose to spend a day or two with my son and daughter-in-law. I'll lead you on the best single road in Colorado -- almost to Gunnison.

We'll go to Carbondale, Paonia, Hotchkiss, Crawford (this is where the great road begins (although it won't have been too shabby up till Crawford, either), and then to Blue Mesa Dam at US-50, west of Gunnison. It would be a 172 mile ride and about 3 1/2 hours for you to Gunnison. It'll be 184 miles and 4 hours for me.

Interested? Even if you don't want to do that, I'll still be doing it.

Sounds great Phil! Count me in.
Cool! One factor has taken some of the joy out of the ride -- Joe Cocker's wife closed the Mad Dog Saloon and Ice Cream Parlor that she used to run in Crawford. It was a motorcycle-friendly destination that gave you your choice of a bandanna or a pin if you arrived on a motorcycle. Joe rode a little, but she rode a lot. It was a great place to eat and wonderful concoctions, but I guess she moved on to other interests. She and Joe still have a ranch there and spend at least some of their time on the ranch.
Oh that is sad about Cockers Place, I was there about 7 or 8 years ago, but not on a bike. I am trying to think of the popular BBQ place that is along that route, may have been in Hotchkiss or Crawford but it was excellent and really affordable. I will do more research and try and find out.
Recon Dual Sport ride for Ruedi Res. Get togeather

So, Yesterday the weather was picture perfect and I decided to take the DR650 out and do a scouting ride of the route that I plan on taking to the Ruedi Reservoir NT700 get together. I knew that I was only going to get a portion of the route scouted, as I estimate it will take two days to get from my house on the east side of Denver Metro Area to the Reservoir. One does not want to cross the 4x4 passes at nearly 14000 ft. any time after three PM. in the afternoon. I have three major Dirt Passes planned. And one paved pass.The first being a relative nontechnical pass, Boreas Pass. @ 11,481 ft. Timing wise we should reach this about mid-morning. The second pass is Mosquito Pass @ 13,986 ft. east of Leadville. This Pass would be done in early afternoon. With the night spent in Leadville, in a motel or camping at Turquoise Lake. Then the next morning ascend Hagerman Pass @ 11,925 ft. The paved pass is [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoosier_Pass"]Hoosier pass @11539 ft) [/URL]Not a big deal. There are also some alternate routes around the passes in case of snow pack or inability to get over them, or just running out of time. Of course I have not scouted those alternate routes yet. Any way I was stopped by the snow line at about 10,500 ft on the approach to Boreas Pass, Just past Como, CO.
The route that I rode took me from Sedalia over Rampart Range down to the South Plate rive and then on to the Deckers Store. (HI way 67) This is one of my favorites rides as there are plenty of paved twisty going over Rampart and down to Sprucewood. From there the road turns to a graded gravel/dirt road of three miles to the down to the river. (County Rd 40) There is a mile of 15% grade which for fist timers, is quite interesting to see their face expression. “You want me to do What?” Once at the river it is ten more miles to the Deckers Store, beautiful early morning ride. Stopping at the store for a cup of coffee and then continuing on the pavement for a couple of mile to the turn off to Goose Creek Rd. (Forrest Service road 211)20 miles of dirt across the Hyman Fire burn area of 2003. Still beautiful in its own right but a real shame. This road twists and turns, ups and downs, over to Terryall Reservation Road. Then we hit pavement which need serious work. (County Rd 77) Well CDOT is rebuilding this road so I had 9 miles of pilot car following. Good thing I was on a DS bike as the road was all ripped up until the new pavement at Terryall Reservoir. A few minutes fooling around the Reservoir and then blasting north on beautiful new pavement for a few more miles until I came to Packer Rd. (County Rd 34) 6 more miles of dirt, smooth and fast , to intersect with Highway 285. We are now in what is called South Park. A high Plateau that crosses over to the Pike-San Isabel Nat. Forrest and the Mosquito mountain Range. Turning left on 285 I head a a few mils to the turn off to Como. And start looking for Forrest Service Road 33 which takes me over Boreas Pass into Breckenridge. Well here at the 10,500ft. mark, I had to turn around as the road got too muddy and snowy for my liking. I knew that I was not going to get over this pass today. Not to mention the others. Much too early in the year. And with the snow that the High Country has been getting this spring, the end of June might also be a challenge.

I posted pictures of this ride in My Gallery section on this forum.

Here is the Google map route to Ruedi Res that I plan. Only got to Como this day.


[GMAP]<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Aurora,+CO&daddr=Parker,+CO+to:Castle+Pines,+CO+to:Sedalia,+CO+to:Deckers,+CO+to:Goose+Creek+Road,+Sedalia,+CO+to:Tarryall,+CO+to:39.3251251,-105.7998677+to:Como,+CO+to:39.3422668,-105.9178549+to:Boreas+Pass+Road,+Breckenridge,+CO+to:Alma,+CO+to:Co+Rd+3+to:Leadville,+CO+to:frying+pan+road+to:Ruedi+Reservoir&hl=en&geocode=FRg5XgIdUGTA-SmbK7oihlhshzF45qKLaOBBhA%3BFYgBWwId7XfB-SlVPZojzpFshzEmJC491O6a1A%3BFZZKWgIdjW6_-Sm7vd6brZtshzGSuWIhvhKcvg%3BFYbCWQIdJ3G--SkNuLnjAlxrhzH0cbooWBMcSw%3BFbj6VgIdRl26-SnrNA3rLkNrhzHgQczcaJXAiQ%3BFX78VQIdBpS4-SnrNlqQkEZrhzHPpoxBjjtoxg%3BFRj0VAIdHJK2-SnrPcirwzlrhzG1pwpc3nFHzQ%3BFcUNWAIdRZ-x-Sl3uNFfauJqhzFmPO5_Q6nBww%3BFYTqVwIdSDSw-Skr2ORDG-FqhzEtyV8qu8X75w%3BFbpQWAIdYtKv-SkbClOy4-RqhzHB8H3NZPJHLg%3BFcH8WQIdFGqu-SmTDTSqnPpqhzF1d_9YQkdmNA%3BFaZsVwIdM5yt-SmxHkklHuxqhzGQQLyQ6JcFBw%3BFfgoVwIdIVWr-Q%3BFYfrVgId1Bqq-Smdlwg7JJFqhzEh7ejfiTCkRQ%3BFRv7VwIdyUCl-SnxuhEcuC5AhzHaJLbK4zBj_g%3BFWmdWAIdzY-i-SnZGaC9qTNAhzFFmGKubBbQ0w&aq=0&oq=ruedi&sll=39.266284,-106.269379&sspn=0.646436,1.61087&mra=ls&via=7,9&ie=UTF8&ll=39.404683,-105.771793&spn=0.649606,2.022662&t=m&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=embed&saddr=Aurora,+CO&daddr=Parker,+CO+to:Castle+Pines,+CO+to:Sedalia,+CO+to:Deckers,+CO+to:Goose+Creek+Road,+Sedalia,+CO+to:Tarryall,+CO+to:39.3251251,-105.7998677+to:Como,+CO+to:39.3422668,-105.9178549+to:Boreas+Pass+Road,+Breckenridge,+CO+to:Alma,+CO+to:Co+Rd+3+to:Leadville,+CO+to:frying+pan+road+to:Ruedi+Reservoir&hl=en&geocode=FRg5XgIdUGTA-SmbK7oihlhshzF45qKLaOBBhA%3BFYgBWwId7XfB-SlVPZojzpFshzEmJC491O6a1A%3BFZZKWgIdjW6_-Sm7vd6brZtshzGSuWIhvhKcvg%3BFYbCWQIdJ3G--SkNuLnjAlxrhzH0cbooWBMcSw%3BFbj6VgIdRl26-SnrNA3rLkNrhzHgQczcaJXAiQ%3BFX78VQIdBpS4-SnrNlqQkEZrhzHPpoxBjjtoxg%3BFRj0VAIdHJK2-SnrPcirwzlrhzG1pwpc3nFHzQ%3BFcUNWAIdRZ-x-Sl3uNFfauJqhzFmPO5_Q6nBww%3BFYTqVwIdSDSw-Skr2ORDG-FqhzEtyV8qu8X75w%3BFbpQWAIdYtKv-SkbClOy4-RqhzHB8H3NZPJHLg%3BFcH8WQIdFGqu-SmTDTSqnPpqhzF1d_9YQkdmNA%3BFaZsVwIdM5yt-SmxHkklHuxqhzGQQLyQ6JcFBw%3BFfgoVwIdIVWr-Q%3BFYfrVgId1Bqq-Smdlwg7JJFqhzEh7ejfiTCkRQ%3BFRv7VwIdyUCl-SnxuhEcuC5AhzHaJLbK4zBj_g%3BFWmdWAIdzY-i-SnZGaC9qTNAhzFFmGKubBbQ0w&aq=0&oq=ruedi&sll=39.266284,-106.269379&sspn=0.646436,1.61087&mra=ls&via=7,9&ie=UTF8&ll=39.404683,-105.771793&spn=0.649606,2.022662&t=m" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>[/GMAP]
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Terryall Reservation Road. Then we hit pavement which need serious work. (County Rd 77)

I'm glad they're finally redoing it! We were on it during a COG ride back in 2004 or 2005 and they were "patching" it by just dumping a pile of loose asphalt into potholes. If the stuff had been run over it was compacted some, if it hadn't been it might be sticking 4-6". One of our guys hit one of those piles that was about 10' long X 2-3' wide and went down.
Here is a little Ruedi Update! I have taken this week off work as I knew the ice on the lake would finally open up, but was not expecting it so fast. Yesterday I was buffing and cleaning and otherwise getting the boat ready for the first trip this year. In the morning the lake was pretty covered with some open water along the shore, maybe 30-50 yards out. by 11 Am there were some "rivers" of water seperating large ice sheets. All day there was a good breeze, and when I came in the house from my driveway at about 2:30 ALL THE ICE WAS GONE! So I called my wife and told here to get off work cause were going fishing. We fished from 3:30 to about 6:30 and got 2 nice Lake Trout, and a good size Rainbow. Dinner was very good last night! I tried my luck this morning but only had an hour of calm water and then got totally blown off the lake! Oh well, I was the first boat on the lake this year! Now the weather is calling for rain and snow up here fo tonite and tomorrow. Oh yeah, on Sunday my wife and I took a nice ride on the NT over to Redstone, had lunch at the historic Redstone Inn, and had a nice ride home. That might be a great day ride for the PNRR and go as far as Marble, a very interesting place, where the marble for the Tomb Of the Unknown Solider was quarryed among other famous monuments.
I filet them, most people do not do that with trout but I do not like picking out the bones. I cook them all different ways but last night I put the filets in foil with some fresh cilantro, lemon with finely chopped rind, butter, and some Old Bay seasoning. Sealed up the foil packed and baked it untill done. MMMM, very tasty, fresh trout has such a light flavor. I also grill it and the tried and true pan frying is goo too.
Yeah, WAY befor my time in CO they had visions of a ski area over there. I first went there in the summer of 86 and at that time you could go up to the quarry as it was not being worked. It is an awesome site, a giant mountain of white marble with a hole cut in it large enough to put a few large houses in. Blocks of marble piled up everywhere. Then above the quarry there was the remains of a small town, collapsed water tower, and just tons of old metal treasures. Down in the town of Marble is the remains of the old mill works where they cut the stone and loaded it on rail cars for points all over the country. You can even see on the way there on CO 133 where the railroad tracks were, and piles of cut marble in the Crystal River, and the story goes when they needed steel for WW 2 and were ripping up the tracks they dumped the marble off the cars into the river.
It is a very cool place, but the quarry is now being worked and access is not as free and clear to the top, but for a small fee I think they give tours of the quarry. The town is really cool and there is even a deli there for lunch!
Sounds like Marble could be a day ride for us. And some might want to hit the pool in Glenwood.
Sadly, I'm experiencing the slow slide to the end of a close family member. I won't make the PNRR as a result. Will you folks make use of my reso at the Reudi Campgrouund or should I cancel it? Maybe next year, folks...

Sorry to hear that Bob, hope things work out for the best.
Bob, I'm really sorry to hear about your family member. I'd guess that you ought to cancel the reservation. If others want to, they can camp with me or hope there's room somewhere near. Maybe someone will see this and offer to pay you for the reservation -- but I don't think you ought to pay for it with only the possibility that someone may need it.

I guess, why don't you wait a few days and see if anyone speaks up about wanting it.

You and your family will be in my prayers.
Bob, sorry to hear what you are going through. I've been there myself. I can use your reservation, and I'd be happy to pay you for what it cost to make it.
Glad you're coming to the Pre-National Rally Rally, Ken! Are you going to be coming to Spearfish?
Only a Month away and the High Passes still have snow on them. I may have to ride the NT700 via the pavement instead of the DR over the 4X4 passes to Ruedi Reservoir
Hi Phil, I certainly plan to go to Spearfish. Assuming my horse care person can handle them on those dates.
Here it is only two weeks until the Ruedi Reservoir Rendezvous, and the three 4x4 passes I wanted to ride over with my DR650 are still closed due to snow. It is looking more and more like I will be riding the NT700, via the dry pavement, to get to Ruedi's. If that is so I will be leaving on the Friday the 28th instead of Thursday the 27th of June. See you all there no matter which way I go.
I can't leave until Saturday June 29th. Need to drop the dogs off at the kennel at 8:00am Saturday so I'll show up some time that afternoon.
That's crazy the passes still have snow Chuck. My boss absolutely will not let me leave a day early anyway. I can't even leave Eastern Kansas until the 27th. So given the DR will probably requre more breaks than my NT, I am planning at least two days travel to make it the Ruedi. I should get plenty of Dual sporting during the utah portion of the trip.

So far I am loving the Heidinau K60 scouts. I did a test in the dirt and tried to do a roost, the darn things just dug in and instead spraying dirt behind me I was going faster than expected on one wheel. Accidental wheelies are fun! I was amped to try them on the Colorado trails. They make them in Strom sizes too.
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