5th Nat'l NT Rally - Jul 8-11, 2015 - Spearfish, SD

My research tells me there are a LOT of interesting places to go in the Black Hills/Badlands area . . . hope everyone will not be sayin': "Naw . . . we already seen all that stuff. Just want to hang out in town." On the other hand, that pic of Mellow makes me think campground/rally time will be fun too!

It's always fun, in 2013 it was a bit warm and I couldn't make it last year but even though I've been there several times now I never get tired of that area and if you get bored you can ride over to Red Lodge, MT and do Beartooth Pass and Chief Joseph hwy and come back via the Bighorn Nat'l forest which is incredible - that should kill a day nicely at 800 miles... Hmm... got me thinking now...
Ok, that all sounds great but I already have so many places to see in the SF/Rapid City area, new to me, that I can't possibly do it all during the rally days. I'm looking forward to having lots of conversations at the rally about where to find scenic rides for later trips. Been workin' on farkles, gettin' ready to head east; plan to arrive on the 8th.
that should kill a day nicely at 800 miles... Hmm... got me thinking now...

Sure Joe, 800 miles including Beartooth Pass, Chief Joseph, and two crossings over the Big Horns! Good thing it stays light so long this time of year.
I won't be going with you - I'm a whimp. But have a bunch of fun.
Sure Joe, 800 miles including Beartooth Pass, Chief Joseph, and two crossings over the Big Horns! Good thing it stays light so long this time of year.
I won't be going with you - I'm a whimp. But have a bunch of fun.

You would have to leave at 5am... not sure I'm doing it either but it is doable...
Shoot! Why would you go to Beartooth when you can go to North Dakota?
Just a month away... I'm starting to get excited, it's been so long since I've been on the bike I may need to take a beginner MSF course 1st.
Just a month away... I'm starting to get excited, it's been so long since I've been on the bike I may need to take a beginner MSF course 1st.

Ya, me too. I'm itchin to go somewhere, but I have a lot of work to do before I take off. So here I sit goofing around on the internet.

I am going to be turning loose of my Room reservation by the end of the week. It is at Bells and is a newly upgraded room in the upper parking area & office areawith two beds, one double I am posting this here as It may take me some time to get a new post thread started or queen and one twin if my memory serves me correctly.

Nights of 8,9,10, 11 July

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I am going to be turning loose of my Room reservation by the end of the week. It is at Bells and is a newly upgraded room in the upper parking area & office areawith two beds, one double I am posting this here as It may take me some time to get a new post thread started or queen and one twin if my memory serves me correctly.

Nights of 8,9,10, 11 July


You're not coming? I was looking forward to listening to your war stories!

You will be missed.
Eldon says if you want to call him to send me a PM and I'll give you his phone number.
I will be arriving Tuesday and tentatively planning to leave Friday. I will be staying at Bell's. Looking forward to seeing you all again, and also looking forward to an extended ride on the Spyder, though I could change my mind at the last minute and ride the NT. It's nice to have options.
Sorry to hear you aren't coming Eldon, was looking forward to seeing you, it's been a while.
Who's staying at Bell's? I decided today that I was going to take Eldon's room. I've got a friend who's coming up from Denver with me and he has migraines from time to time and decided staying in a motel would probably be better for him, so I decided to join him. We'll see all of you campers over at Chris's though.
Bill Jackson (new member BillyJack here) and I will be sharing a room at Bell's at the end of a 10 day ride around Alberta, Canada and the U.S. Rocky Mountains. Looking forward to seeing you again, Phil. Last time was in 2013 just before your 'epic tour'. I think there are quite a few others staying there also.
Just spoke to the campground and she's only had about 8 people call in and register. If you can call in or email her with some specifics it will speed up the time you take when you get to the campground:

Just an update, we should be in sites 81-96.

Please call (605-642-2239) or email (chriscampground@gmail.com) to let them know how many are coming please provide
# of people in your group
# of tents
Special needs such as electricity
vehicle i.e. bike, RV, bike w/trailer etc.
Mention the ST/NT Rally

This is VERY important if you need electricity for a CPAP machine.
Someone on ST-O mentioned the campground doesn't take plastic so make sure you have some cash on hand.
I emailed them my reservations to tent camp. Not that I have any objections to camping, but I reserved spot to put a tent between July 7th and July12. Now just need to figure out what I am going to do a few days before the rally, since I took some extra time off. I may even head to Colorado first and try to ride up with others.

Hey Phil! When are you and Redbird headed north?
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