Bags Connection "City" Bag from Twisted Throttle

Phil Tarman

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Dec 12, 2010
Greeley, CO
2010 Silver NT700VA (ABS)
After a series of misadventures (missing parts with a Givi tankbag), wrong size with a Bags Connection Engage Sport (totally my fault), I finally ordered and received to day a Bags Connection City bag today.

It is the bag for me. It's just a tiny bit too big (or my stomach is just bit too big, one or the other), but it's going to be what I've been wanting. And, if you're wondering, I can see the GPS over the top of the bag with no problem. The map case will make me stretch just a bit, but won't be an issue.

Only problem is that, once again, my order came missing a part. In fact, both Bags Connection bags were missing the same part. There is a lanyard (you can see my farkle farkle in the first picture, a classy cotton twine cord from the release pin tied to the handle of the bag). There is supposed to be a lanyard with a red tag which says "Pull" there. Mine may be just as good. We'll see; supposedly Twisted Throttle is sending me a replacement tomorrow. When I get everything I'm supposed to have, I'll send them the Givi and the Engage Sport back. If I had sent the Engage Sport back, I'd have been out of luck because the City came without the part of the mount that attaches to the tank.

Oh, BTW, I'll take pictures of the the mounting apparatus sometime soon.

I also got the map pocket which is plenty big to hold two panels across of one of the waterproof Rand McNally Maps that Igo told us about. Here are some pictures:
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That looks interesting.... A couple of questions for you: One, looking at your first picture, how strong is the bag's base "plate" and will it prevent the bag from "sagging" over time? I wouldn't be happy if it ended up flopping on my tank or tank pad. Two, does it come with some sort of "dummy cord" to secure it to the handlebar clamp?
I don't think it will take a permanent sag. I can push down on the back edge of my bag and it will touch the tank pad, but there's no way it will ever cause any damage or marks to it that I can see. And I agree with Kevin (or whoever from TT who posted above). I don't think this thing will ever fall off unless the gas cap mount does. If that happens, there won't be a bike.

The instructions are not idiot-proof, though. I proved that yesterday. There are rivets which secure the tank bag to a plastic plate inside the bag. Looked to the moron (me) as if those were where I was supposed to drill the holes for mounting the ring to the bag. Those rivets must be made of titanium or something stronger. By the time I drilled through four of them I realized that the illustration of where to drill was just pointing at the bottom the bag, not at the rivets. But the fastenings that hold the ring to the bag will provide adequate security. I do think I'll drop some silicone in my old rivet holes.
Gotta' charge the camera battery and then I'll do it. I decided it was perfect for trips, but a tad too huge for 'round town use. So I ordered the Daypack. Twisted Throttle ought to award me shares in the franchise.

Either that or I need to find a Twisted-Throttle or Farkle Anonymous 12-Step Group.
Rick said: " Pretty soon, he's gonna have an electric day-glo yellow thermos holder on his NT. Soon as I find one for him on the 'net and post a ride review about it. "

Man, now he's got me slatherin' at the mouth. Hurry, Rick, I needs one of those NOW!!!
Well, as much as I like those, I guess I'll pass. I said I'd post some more pictures of the Bags Connection City Bag. Here they are:
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Great looking bag Phil. What is the device with the controller on the side of your tank. Also, there is a electrical connection available to put plug inside the bag.

Keep the shiny side up,


PS No, I don't work for Twisted Throttle.
Ya know, if tank bag guys had good sense, they'd make the interior white so you can see what's in there.

edit: Just a random thought.
George, red beats the bejabbers out of black.

Chuck, the controller on the side of the tank is a Heattroller -- a pulse timer device that lets you adjust the heat from the electric jacket. I know Bags Connection gives you the chance to have your bag electrified, but since I'll change bags depending on my needs on a particular day, I don't want electrical stuff in the bag.
Yes, it was the fancy red interior that caused my random thought.
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