Banshee Horn


That horn in the picture looks like either a Wolo or Stebel... There have been quality issues with the Wolo, and other Stebel knock offs, so I'd want to know what brand horn is included before buying a kit...
Honda and the other manufacturers don't put these "high output" horns on their machines, and that's probably due to the fact that none of these horns are reliable enough to be OEM.
It looks exactly like my Stebel Nautalus!

It's the electronic to activate it which are different

That horn in the picture looks like either a Wolo or Stebel... There have been quality issues with the Wolo, and other Stebel knock offs, so I'd want to know what brand horn is included before buying a kit...

Greg of Banshee has emailed me as follows:

"The Screaming Banshee Control System is what we sell. The horns are an accessory. Our control system been developed, field tested and manufactured by a very reputable company in Seattle who build electronic for Sikorsky Helicopters and other large companies.

To run our control system we supply a variety of horns. For example our chrome horn comes from Wolo and we get the black horns and split horn custom made. "
Hey guys,

Screaming Banshee™ here. I noticed the discussions on this thread about our Screaming Banshee Horn. I figured it would be proper to introduce the company and establish some communication with our users. I'd be happy to answer any technical questions or take any feedback in general - good or bad.

Constructive feedback is always a win win, and any suggestions on how Screaming Banshee can improve would be appreciated.

Also were about to launch free shipping up until fathers day if anyone is interested but hasn't pulled the trigger on the sale yet. Make sure to jump on that!
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