Body colours


Oct 2, 2013
Buckinghamshire UK
2009 ex Mod white nt700va
Hi all
I'm new on here but I've done a lotta miles on NT's. See my intro to see how many.
Anyway here's one for you ( says he with a smile )
Why if you scratch a "black" honda does it show a white scratch you can see for miles ?


Why if you scratch a "white" honda does it show a black scratch you can see for miles?

Now is it just me or is there something obvious here that Mr Honda is missing ?

You know .... white paint on white plastic and black on black plastic.
Or is that just too "Kerfuffelin" obvious .

2nd question ....guess who just scratched the mudguard on his new white bike ?
Answers on a postcard......
LOL! You guys over there have so many other colors than we do, so, what color do they show after a scratch?

I am world-famous for dropping my motorcycles and for a while supported a small cottage industry by selling scratched-up big pannier lids. I finally got tired of providing cheap lids for every NT owner in North America and sanded mine with 100-grit sandpaper and painted them with rattle-can satin black paint. And I've convinced myself that I like my unique pannier lids better than the factory lids that just match the original body color. :)
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