Choosing a tent

+1 on Kelty sure to check those out. Their prices vary greatly depending on the tent, but definitely include them in your search. Like REI, the tents are several magnitudes better than what you would find at Walmart, but aren't ridiculously overpriced like some other brands. Of course, price is very subjective.
+1 on all the comments above about quality. Cheap is just that, cheap. It may or may not work well. If it does not work well you will be soured on the whole thing before you even start. A tent's primary role is to keep you dry. If it leaks it is crud. REI has great gear and good service. Eureka products are top notch IMO.

Also, be aware of terminology. A two person tent will sleep two, side by side, with NO OTHER GEAR in the tent. A two person will be adequate fro one with gear and provide some "wiggle room". You want to at least be able to sit up or crouch in the tent. If you have companion in there, go for the four person.
I have settled on the Half Dome 4
My child support is supposed to terminate this month. Once that happens I can begin slowly accumulating gear
The tent I got for Christmas is one of those under $100 variety. I'll check it out before I take the trip. If it is not suitable, I'll pick up a Eureka--there is a dealer down the road from us,
it will likely be fine for your trip alex, although it may not hold up for multiple years. a lot has to do with how well you take care of it (like anything). i've car-camped plenty in walmart-branded tents ($40- $60 stuff) in my life and have had no real problems. it also helped me appreciate the better quality of a more expensive tent once i acquired one. the more expensive ones tend to pack smaller and lighter, have better seams, better zippers, and MUCH better poles (stainless steel vs fiberglass which splinter and crack over time).

if i were you, since you have time, i would try sleeping in it in your yard on a rainy night to help gauge effectiveness. truth be told, you'll probably be just fine!

i'm excited for you that you've committed to making the big trip to spearfish!
I am very excited about making that trip. This year started off badly--being laid up since Christmas. Hopefully I'll be off this super strong antibiotic in another week. I can also then get rid of that PICC. I turn 71 on the 17th and would like to get together with friends, have a few drinks, etc. I would also like to do some work on my CB550. I did get out for a while today--wife drove--still can't do a manual shift. I am definitely getting cabin fever.
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