Early season ride.


I bought my NT700V 12 days ago. I met a guy named Rick (Falcon) on this web site about the same day. He and I met for a ride on my first weekend with my new bike. Though my NT needed risers and seat tuning he and I rode well over 100 miles. We met again today. This 'ol Rick fella is a most enjoyable chap and has a fantastic attitude and I have a new riding partner as we both work to tune these new bikes for longer rides. Rick and I met again today. I'm not sure how we did it but I put 160 on the NT again.
It really is quite funny in a way. Everywhere we went people kept talking about how our bikes are twins. When you think about how actually rare these bikes are in this country, it is really peculiar to see these two peculiar bikes sitting side by side.
It was beautiful outside today. We installed risers on both NTs this morning then crossed the Valley to the north side of Vegas to shop at Cycle Gear then headed to Red Rock National Conservation Area in the West Valley. In the Las Vegas area you have 3 traditional motorcycle mecas. One is Lake Mead which you've heard me rant about. The other, in summer time is Mt. Charleston about 45 minutes north of town and then there is Red Rock NCA. Red Rock gets some traffic and it is the place to see and be seen in Las Vegas if you ride any kind of motorcycle. Rick was patient with me as I am forever looking for the perfect photo op. We had luck a couple time with the photos. Anyway, the Red Rock loop is about 15 miles in a stunning area. It is a little congested for my liking but the single track road is wide enough to pass on and is a one-way road. If you think you know where Smokey is this run is huge fun to shake a leg on as it is nothing but twists and turns and dips and hills if a most exquisite local visually for its duration. A fine day indeed.
Photos in the Gallery
You guys sound like you had a great time. It's fun to have a riding partner that you get along well with.

I wish I could ride - but I'm on a business trip here in Yokosuka, Japan. No riding for me for at least a week! Nice reading your antics though.
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