Easy miles equals less wear

Coyote Chris

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Aug 25, 2011
10 Red NT 14 FJR, 17 XT
Today I had the shop put on a new Michelin 5 on my FJR rear wheel.
Three years ago, at about 5,600 miles, I took off the original and put on a Michelin 4.
Since then, the bike has gone 10,800 miles.
FJRs are notorious for not having any lube from the factory on their U-joints and splines near the engine, so three years ago I lubed them up good with Honda moly.
Almost all of the miles over the last three years have been to Reno and back in Sept, with one trip to Spearfish in the mix when the NT broke. All the lubed points look like I just did them today. I hardly ever ride in the rain. I dont think I am a hard rider.....(brake pads look great)
Easy Rider
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When are you going to start riding that thing? If you don't ride it you might as well sell it. I have a bit over 41,000 on mine now.
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When are you going to start riding that thing? I you don't ride it you might as well sell it. I have a bit over 41,000 on mine now.
If I ride it I might hurt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;) Its like a piece of art.,....a collector's item.
I just installed a PR5 on the rear of my NT700. I will be happy if I get 10,000 miles on it. The rear tire change process is difficult on the NT. I did it myself because I don't trust the shop to do it properly, based on past experience.
Just changed my PR4's - almost 12000 miles from the rear and 18000 from the front - hadn't noticed any difference in handling as the tread steadily disappeared - once scrubbed in (if it ever stops chucking it down with rain here) I'll see if it is different now - though 3 months with no riding (hols and weather) and replacing the rear shock lower bearing means it hardly qualifies as a strict comparison!!
JimTid - The greatest difficulty is getting the wheel off the bike, until you know how to do it. Changing the actual tire is pretty ordinary.
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