First Long Ride of the Year.


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Feb 28, 2012
Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA
Silver 2010 NT700V
On a spur of the moment, I found out about the Blue Ridge Bike Fest in Roanoke VA this past Thursday and then saw the weather forecast for Saturday and Sunday and started thinking about heading down to that. I looked at the radar Friday afternoon and figured I could slide through behind one set of rain showers and before the other on the way down so I threw some stuff together and hit the road as quickly as I could after work on Friday.

It's a 4 hour ride to my friends house just outside of Salem, VA. I made it just south of Beckley WV, 2 1/2 hrs into my trip and ran into a major thunderstorm. Well, I jumped under an overpass, put on the rain suit, and I was off again. It rained hard into Princeton, WV where I turned SE on US 460 and it finally quit raining just before crossing into VA. Of course it was dark by now and with all the deer in that area I slowed the speed down a bunch and blinded drivers coming the other way with my HI beam that I leave on. Took me 4 1/2 hours to make the ride however pulled into my friends house and was viewing a clear star filled sky.

On Saturday we rode a short loop and made our way over to the Blue Ridge Bike Fest. I had never gone to this event however know I will go again. Forgot to take my phone or camera with me on Saturday so didn't get any picks. We left there and got in another ride before heading back to my friends for the evening. Had an awesome evening sitting by the fire enjoying the first warms nights I've seen in a while.

Sunday we woke to beautiful weather again and took off on some more fun VA backroads to get into the Festival. Here was out crew on Sunday.

The parking lot was not near as crowded on Sunday morning though the crowd was still large.

Got to see a motorcycle stunt team performing at the event. Those guys are nuts however it was quite entertaining. Will try to link one or two of the videos later that I took of the stunt team.

Enjoyed another morning into afternoon at the Fest and then started my trip home. The weather was absolutely spectacular, actually a bit warm out on the highway. I stopped a couple times on the way home and jumped off the superslab onto secondary roads and follow the Ohio River back to the Parkersburg area and then home. Had such a great weekend and am stoked about the weather getting better at least soon. Definitely going to put that event on next years calendar for sure.

Just a wee bit short of 600 miles and it felt great to be out on the road again after this long dragged our winter. Low and behold, it's snowing here today, again ! Hope this stuff ends soon. I may have to purchase studded tires to head west if it doesn't.
Looks a bit warmer there than here in central Mn. Was 10 degrees here this morning with a high in the mid 30's today and snow tomorrow. Ugh.
Great ride report. Looks like you had a ball. Sorry about the weather turn. It has us all. We tied a record low here in SE TX, 38.
Looks a bit warmer there than here in central Mn. Was 10 degrees here this morning with a high in the mid 30's today and snow tomorrow. Ugh.

Just saw national forecast and feel for you EODEAN. Sorry the stupid weather is holding you hostage. It snowed here yesterday, thank goodness it didn't stick.
Will be up over 60 by Sunday so may get some riding in after that. It is pretty white out the front window.
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